IT'S TIME!!! IOWA HAWKEYES GO TO THE PLAYOFFS-Michigan St. goes home crying.

Sorry I had to leave. 19 year old nephew got t-boned by a drunk driver. Thankfully in town so a slow speed accident. His parents live out of town so I had to go. My nephew suffered a broken arm. Had to take him to the hospital. I left a little while after his parents got there. Low score but I'll have to read the game thread later. Now, why aren't we up 3 td's on these bums?
Chip with a MOTHER F'ING BACK....keep a TE in...replace is going to lead to a turnover. DOES ANYONE HEAR ME? good grief!
Sorry I had to leave. 19 year old nephew got t-boned by a drunk driver. Thankfully in town so a slow speed accident. His parents live out of town so I had to go. My nephew suffered a broken arm. Had to take him to the hospital. I left a little while after his parents got there. Low score but I'll have to read the game thread later. Now, why aren't we up 3 td's on these bums?

Sorry I cursed you out for leaving. :eek:

In a nutshell, all breaks going spartys way. Injuries, penalties, etc. Everything.
Sorry I had to leave. 19 year old nephew got t-boned by a drunk driver. Thankfully in town so a slow speed accident. His parents live out of town so I had to go. My nephew suffered a broken arm. Had to take him to the hospital. I left a little while after his parents got there. Low score but I'll have to read the game thread later. Now, why aren't we up 3 td's on these bums?

wasted opportunities.

Glad the nephew is alright sans arm.
Tell me this isn't one of those games where the announcers are falling all over themselves gushing about sparty.

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