It's going to be Forbes.....


Well-Known Member
I don't know if its going to be as Head Coach or as Associate Head Coach.

My personal preference would be as associate with a pretty stout salary. He's going to get his shot to be the HC at some point in the future and we need his recruiting more than anything at this point.

I could see him being tossed in as HC with Gillisipie as associate (they worked together at A&M) or as Associate with someone like Lavin or Penders from Houston. A guy like Lavin would probably be looking for a 3-5 year gig that allows him to show to the world that he can get it done. And a guy like Penders is looking for a nice golden parachute that he allows him to retire comfortably from but he still has some Paterno in him so he can't just walk away quite yet.

Just a gut feeling that I've gotten over the past 8 days. No sources. No outlets, I'm not in Atlanta and I don't care whether you agree with me or not.
I don't know if its going to be as Head Coach or as Associate Head Coach.

My personal preference would be as associate with a pretty stout salary. He's going to get his shot to be the HC at some point in the future and we need his recruiting more than anything at this point.

I could see him being tossed in as HC with Gillisipie as associate (they worked together at A&M) or as Associate with someone like Lavin or Penders from Houston. A guy like Lavin would probably be looking for a 3-5 year gig that allows him to show to the world that he can get it done. And a guy like Penders is looking for a nice golden parachute that he allows him to retire comfortably from but he still has some Paterno in him so he can't just walk away quite yet.

Just a gut feeling that I've gotten over the past 8 days. No sources. No outlets, I'm not in Atlanta and I don't care whether you agree with me or not.

Have you been to the bathroom lately, because I am pretty sure your gut is full of crap.
Or we could just hire Forbes & move on with life. Why the Lavin-temp-rebuild-thanks-see-you-later element?
I don't know if its going to be as Head Coach or as Associate Head Coach.

My personal preference would be as associate with a pretty stout salary. He's going to get his shot to be the HC at some point in the future and we need his recruiting more than anything at this point.

I could see him being tossed in as HC with Gillisipie as associate (they worked together at A&M) or as Associate with someone like Lavin or Penders from Houston. A guy like Lavin would probably be looking for a 3-5 year gig that allows him to show to the world that he can get it done. And a guy like Penders is looking for a nice golden parachute that he allows him to retire comfortably from but he still has some Paterno in him so he can't just walk away quite yet.

Just a gut feeling that I've gotten over the past 8 days. No sources. No outlets, I'm not in Atlanta and I don't care whether you agree with me or not.

Nope .. Won't be Forbes ... Barta needs more than that
Two things:

First, what is the point of dozen or more yahoos starting strings every day declaring this or that to be true, when they have no clue what's actually going on?

Second, there might not (and I emphasize might) be a clearer sign that a poster has no clue about how these things happen than the "hybrid staff" post. "OOH! OOH! How about Steve Lavin, with Steve Forbes and BJ as assistants! OOH! OOH!"


Your Friendly Local Curmudgeon :)
Two things:

First, what is the point of dozen or more yahoos starting strings every day declaring this or that to be true, when they have no clue what's actually going on?

Second, there might not (and I emphasize might) be a clearer sign that a poster has no clue about how these things happen than the "hybrid staff" post. "OOH! OOH! How about Steve Lavin, with Steve Forbes and BJ as assistants! OOH! OOH!"


Your Friendly Local Curmudgeon :)
Sich heil
Two things:

First, what is the point of dozen or more yahoos starting strings every day declaring this or that to be true, when they have no clue what's actually going on?

Second, there might not (and I emphasize might) be a clearer sign that a poster has no clue about how these things happen than the "hybrid staff" post. "OOH! OOH! How about Steve Lavin, with Steve Forbes and BJ as assistants! OOH! OOH!"


Your Friendly Local Curmudgeon :)

I'm giving you lots of props for giving me my new favorite buzzword. "hybrid staff". It is hilarious to see some of the ideas for staffs that people have trotted out. They must have a hybrid staff infection.
If we're going the "hybrid staff" route, Mike Ditka MUST be the lead assistant

Exactly. As long as it's a ridiculous fantasy, why not dream big? I'm thinking Bill Self as head coach, Rick Pitino and George Raveling as chief recruiters, Ronnie Lester as the third assistant, and John R. Wooden as DBO. Now THAT'S a staff, boyz.

And it's every bit as likely as an Iowa staff with Steve Forbes as an assistant.
Or we could just hire Forbes & move on with life. Why the Lavin-temp-rebuild-thanks-see-you-later element?

Because Forbes is 3rd in command at Tenn and has no D1 head coaching experience. Let him move in to position 1B, learn the in's and out's of the job without trying to fly solo for a few years.

If he has his heart set on being a HC then his only option would be to go through mid-major at best for a few years and then up to the big leagues. This way we are getting a recruiter and future coach.

Contrary to popular belief, the Iowa BB HC job is not an attractive position to a proven commodity so you must think outside the box at times.
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In case you've never been around college basketball (closer than tv or in the stands) . . .What number of assistant you are doens't mean squat unless maybe you're a student assistant. It's not like the #3 guy does the laundry during practice or gets the others ice cream. Everyone is deeply involved with all aspects of the program. Forbes knows how to win, knows how to recruit and knows what successful programs look like from the inside out. Lick was a successful head coach, right? That worked, huh! Pearl used to be an assistant coach, right? That worked in his first move, huh. It's not that much about x's and o's anymore. It's about athletes and players that can flat out play ball. You fit your system around your athletes. I've been saying it for weeks . . . Forbes can turn this around and who's to say the other assistants form TN (you know the #1 and #2 guys) might just be ready to make it back to Iowa City too as assistants #1 and #2. We need a coach with a Hawkeye heart, not a guy who thinks he can "get it done" in the Big Ten. Believe in Forbes!
Forbes is on the outside looking in as of today. He will have to wait out the A listers. If all of them pass or we pass on them, they will down do the B list which is where Steve resides based on the last report I got.
Gillispie will never see Iowa. Bad enough having to suspend players without supending coaches for same behavior. He belongs somewhere with no rules or character, and I am sure they will find each other. He would be a train wreck at Iowa.
I may be mistaken but when you hire a new coach, doesn't the new coach bring in what assistant coaches he wants? These post about Barta hiring a new coach and a coach in waiting for 3-5 years are just silly
I totally agree with getting Forbes. Let's bring a coach that wants to be here and not looking for the next job. Give the guy a chance what do we have to lose.
I totally agree with getting Forbes. Let's bring a coach that wants to be here and not looking for the nest job. Give the guy a chance what do we have to lose.
It would certainly take a lot of effort to suck as much as last year. Even if the kids were just enthusiastic to show up & play we might win a couple more games.

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