It is all coming back to me, Michael Jordan the world's greatest player without a supporting cast getting bounced from the playoffs year after year.
Without a better supporting group, Rose will be just another Barkley, Iverson, Ewing, Malone, Wilkins...
What? Sure the Bulls could use another 2 guard who can create for himself but they already have a pretty solid supporting cast. Their bench is one of, if not the best in basketball. Deng had a great year, Noah is great defensively and on the glass, Boozer is a good regular season player although he's been terrible in the playoffs. The Bulls are in great shape to be a contender for a long time, this isn't like the Cavs squads that LeBron had to drag through the playoffs each year.
Give it up, I've learned on this board that there is no such thing as a quality supporting cast.
On that note, I couldn't agree with you more. The Bulls bench is incredibly solid and you can't honestly tell me that most NBA teams aren't envious of the front court of the Bulls. I guess someone needs to define a "solid supporting cast" because I'd say with Boozer, Noah, Deng, and one of the best benches and defenses in the game if that's honestly not a good supporting cast I don't know what is. Or do they need to bring in 3 superstars and absolutely nobody else to get the supporting cast recognition they deserve? Someone please explain it to me.
Yeah of all sports though, I think in the NBA you especially can't complain of bandwagon fans. I wish there was one or two less teams so the talent pool of each roster was more competitive.
I really enjoyed watching the bucks compete last season, but their horrible off season decisions impeded them from any progression in 2011.
The bulls right now have a great supporting cast.
I along with carlos boozer are still upset the heat chose Bosh over Boozer and Boozer really wanted to go do Wade county.
The OP now likes the Miami Heat. It's all coming back to him now.
It is hysterical how much you guys are overrating the Bulls supporting cast. Look at the list of people I compared Rose to. Barkley, Malone, Ewing. These are guys on good teams that didn't have all the pieces necessary to win a title. This Chicago team is the same deal. Boozer is a nice consistent player who scores in the teens and pulls down 10 boards.. Deng is a nice player who scores in the teens. Noah scores around 10 a game. These just aren't the stats of a championship caliber team.
And throwing the best record thing out doesn't mean much when you consider how dismal the East was this year.
Kaldy was as big of Miami Heat fan as you could find in 2006.
It is hysterical how much you guys are overrating the Bulls supporting cast. Look at the list of people I compared Rose to. Barkley, Malone, Ewing. These are guys on good teams that didn't have all the pieces necessary to win a title. This Chicago team is the same deal. Boozer is a nice consistent player who scores in the teens and pulls down 10 boards.. Deng is a nice player who scores in the teens. Noah scores around 10 a game. These just aren't the stats of a championship caliber team.
And throwing the best record thing out doesn't mean much when you consider how dismal the East was this year.
this Bulls team reminds me a great deal of the make up of the 2004 Pistons who won a championship with smothering defense and teamwork.
That Detroit team had Rip, Chauncey, Tayshawn, and Rasheed. Each of those guys could create his own shot when needed. This Chicago team has one guy who can do that.
Seriously guys, without Rose, this team would really struggle in the Playoffs and might not make the Playoffs at all.
As far as the comparison to Malone. I had Lakers and Clippers season tickets during Utah's success years. I saw the Clippers beat the Jazz in the Orange County Arena when they had to relocate due to the Rodney King disturbance. Stockton was one of the greats, but that team just didn't have the remaining fire power to get past the Bulls.
This is what I mean by the current Bulls team. Barkley's Phoenix team, Malone's Jazz, and Ewing's Knicks were almost there, but lacked the final necessary pieces.
Except I would say all those other teams had better supporting pieces than this Bulls team.
The Rodney King trial was in 1992, the Jazz lost to the Bulls in '97 and '98. If you could tell what the Jazz team would look like in five years by watching a single game, that is pretty amazing.
Again, what current star do you think has a good supporting cast?
Sometime it comes down to the star just not being good enough, see Barkley with Phoenix in '93. Very solid team all around, they didn't win because Barkley wasn't as good as Jordan. Not because of his supporting cast.