It feels over...

Now I am more concerned on "how" Iowa does the coaching change, not if or when, but How they do it. A succession plan with a "coach in waiting " is the best way, but I don't feel confident we have the AD to make it happen, nor does it appear KF runs his program slowly giving someone else control.

Davis must go, (after games like today and Minny: i question Phil as well, but overall i still believe he did ok overall given the LB situation), recruiting needs a boost, and yes, KF needs to transition out, because I don't believe in the administration to make a good hire (s) on short notice.

It's teetering, no question.

A lot of people are in your camp. They would like to see a Barry Alvarez situation where Kirk brings in someone as his hand-picked successor the way Barry did. What they don't know is that Kirk HAS done that. And his last name rhymes with "parents".
A lot of people are in your camp. They would like to see a Barry Alvarez situation where Kirk brings in someone as his hand-picked successor the way Barry did. What they don't know is that Kirk HAS done that. And his last name rhymes with "parents".
The problem is that Brian Ferentz doesn't have half the resume that Brett Beliema did when he came to Wisconsin. Brian is a long ways away from even being considered the head coach and I don't think he's even ready to be OC if that job opened up in the next two years.

Personally I don't want anyone with the last name Ferentz on the staff once Kirk is gone. Iowa needs to start fresh.
Next year will tell the tale for Coach Ferentz. If he has a losing season with another favorable schedule, Barta's hand will be forced.
I feel like Bob Stoops time has passed to coach at Iowa. He's 54 years old and I think if you make a change next season you have to hire a younger coach. I think he's still got at least 5 or 6 years left in him but unless you have a successor in place for him I'd rather go for something who might be here longer due to age.

I'm all for Bielema, Mike Stoops, or possibly Bobby Diaco if he improves as a coach. I want nothing to do with MAC coaches or any other "mid major" school guys. Younger guys with experience at high level schools should be considered first and foremost. If that's a coordinator then so be it but I'd say Bielema, Mike Stoops, and possibly Bobby Diaco have to be the top names on your list after next season in Kirk is indeed done then.

A lot of coaches that started in the MAC have turned out to be pretty special, some of the greatest ever actually. Iowa's program is built up enough financially where they don't have to take unnecessary risks though, and as we all know, Bielema is the type of guy that would enjoy the absolute hell out of stomping ISU, Wisconsin, and Nebraska every year so he's my first choice.
If I was Barta the name on my list that I would really focus on and pull the pocketbook out for is Brett Bielema. It would be awesome to pull him away from the Razorbacks.
I really like Iowa football. I going from anger to hurt. Back to anger. Back to hurt.

If KF is canned, CJ is gone. If KF stays, more than likely CJ is gone. If GD decides to retire.. what difference will any OC's input make while KF demands ascendancy? This is the first time I can remember, under KF, where the offense was diversified. If KF is canned, GD's brand of diversification will be gone. The offense. The defense will be soft.

Rock and a hard place.
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I like the posts but you all are crazy if you think KF is going to 'retire' without getting every last penny owed him on the contract. No way, no how. That was negotiated for a reason.

It is going to cost north of 15 million and I am all for doing it regardless. This is why Barta is leveraged and has no power. I also doubt claims that there are boosters willing to write checks for all of this.

Stoops is too long in the tooth and Bielema, Mark Stoops are going to cost a ton of money (5 million plus) when you have 4-5 years to recover from the KF buyout already. Not realistic. It is going to have to be an intermediate hire like a young up and comer from NDSU. You move on with something new to sell but you also buy yourself 3-5 years while recovering from the KF buyout.

I figure on straight ticket and concessions losses alone that every 5k lost averages about 2-2.5 million. That might be conservative and does not include anything else. I think we will be down 10-15k next year. If you do simple math that means the buyout is doable if you do not go crazy money wise on the next one.

The time has come and we are inches away from Purdue/IL.
There was one thing that we could all say about Ferentz is that his teams are usually prepared for the bowl game.
That's now gone, and, now, I'm out of things to say about Ferentz that we could all agree about, in a positive way, about the on-field performance of the football team.
Whoever makes any decision on anything or whatnot needs to be careful. Michigan and Nebraska are prime examples of what happens when you tried to get fancy because they feel they need a change or a spark and then mediocre ensues, which Iowa is at right now. Hopefully, Kirk and the gang spend the next 8 months deciding that what works here is a solid, powerful run game and I hope that becomes clear, because neither Greene or Betts are walking thru that door.
First off Spiderrico that was a nice little piece you wrote. It sums up for most of us what we are feeling. Unfortunately Kirk is to stubborn to realize the walls closing in. The one time someone (Morhouse) asked about the the temps getting warm outside the program Kirk could only do what Kirk does and instantly toss up the defense mechanism and throw some off the wall comment about it being single digets back home then he asked marc in a snarky tone if he answered the question correct. What a complete tyrant *** he is. Kirk doesn't feel like things are sinking and needs to chipped off by Gary. And though I'd love to see a flight aware track of a plane heading from Jacksonville to Fayetteville then onto Iowa City (I already looked, no such luck) Gary ain't gonna do that, they share a potato sack together on race day. And the small faction that think Bobby Diaco is the answer how bout we pump the brakes, cause he looks no better off than Paul Rhoads.
Around March we will also need a new men's bbasketball coach so we need to get a new AD asap to make these hires
I don't care how many years are left on the contract, the Kirk Ferentz Era feels like it's theoretically over...whether or not it's officiallly over.

The lack of preparation, the comedy of errors, the complete lack of fundamentals, the complete lack of a cohesive gameplan on either side of the all came home to roost in one game. KF getting run over and knocked off his feet seems a perfect metaphor for the era being over.

This has the exact same feeling for me as 1997 did. A season with promise coming to a rude conclusion in a bowl game domination...a coach trying to hang on when it was obvious to all outside observers that the game had passed him by. KF may not necessarily be at the point HF was by calling plays that no longer existed or calling for players on the bench who'd been graduated for over a decade....but you could tell in both instances that the end had arrived.

And like with HF, I really wished it had ended differently...but as someone famous once said....all things end badly, otherwise they wouldn't end. I just wish KF had the sense to get out now before it gets so bad that he completely tarnishes every bit of goodwill he built up by winning 2 B1G titles, 4 top 10 finishes, a BCS bowl win and several memorable victories....but like most coaches, he's too all we're left with are memories of past successes and the unenviable task of watching the train wreck as it unfolds over the next couple of years. Both he AND the fanbase deserve better....unfortunately, we've all seen this movie before and know exactly how it ends.


Well said SpiderRico. Tactful yet to the point.

Huge ego's never make a good ending in life's journey.
At this point the fan base has turned against Kurt. However that has come with the realization that the only way he is gone is his own retirement. So we are forced to wait a la Baghdad bob while the city is on fire behind him.
There was one thing that we could all say about Ferentz is that his teams are usually prepared for the bowl game.
That's now gone, and, now, I'm out of things to say about Ferentz that we could all agree about, in a positive way, about the on-field performance of the football team.

I think the coaches and players believed they were prepared to the fullest. What happened was that the speed and athleticism of Tennessee was too much for them, regardless of how much they prepared. That team would have won the B1G West and would have been the 2nd or third best team in the B1G-at least the Tennessee team from the second half of the season.

Plus, folks, it was basically a home game for Tennessee, what with all of the orange in the stands.