ISU Fact - Talk About Damn Shocking!

Who cares? You Hock fans dont realize that to be born in Iowa, it is soooooo easy to become a Hock fan (like I was, especially when the whole state is biased towards the Hocks.) I had the Hock jeans, tennis shoes, etc, but it takes real BALLS & BRAINS to become a CYCLONE fan. If State is so bad, then you Hock fans should feel embarrassed to have lost to the Clones 3 of last 4 years and 4 of last 5 (after Saturday). Not to mention that the Clones have a superior mens basketball program who kicked the Hocks azzes in Iowa City just last season!

Oh, we are embarrassed. Undoubtedly. You know why?....yeah, cause isu is that bad, like monumentally, historically, one if the worst power 5 program in the history of college football bad.

Pssst, Hoiberg is gone...uh oh.
Hey, Walker, let's not feed into that BS by ISU fans, besides their balls are about the size or their brain, about the size of a pea......Don't spout off to Iowa fans that it takes real balls to be an ISU fan, that's crap roandkay (who's kay by the way----kay-y perhaps?)..... :p

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