ISU Benefits from A&M leaving


Well-Known Member
The Big12 currently has 8 - count them - 8 automatic bowl tie ins. Next season they will only have 9 teams.

The Big12(9) will have each team play all others within conference (8 games) which will allow ISU to schedule a 4th OOC game. It would be safe to assume that it will be a Tenn Tech type. Iowa will still be on their schedule so lets say they win 3 of those OOC games.

Can they win 3 of the following 8 games and become bowl eligible?

Tx Tech
Ok St
K St

If they can then the Military Bowl, New Ear Pinstripe Bowl or even the Meineke Car Care Bowl could be their destiny.
Honestly they would be better off to go to a CUSA or MWC. Now before people blow up just read the following. ISU has generally been towards the bottom of the big 12 conf, with the exceptions of a couple seasons in the early 2000's. Obviously the competition for ISU in the big 12 is difficult for them. Would it be a terrible thing to go to a CUSA or MWC where the money wouldnt be as good, but you could contend better there vs the big 12? Just a thought, now blow a gasket if you wish.
ISU received $8.9 million from revenue sharing in 2009. Texas A&M received $10.2 million, Nebraska received $9.7 million and Colorado received $9.7 million. Assuming that the revenue is equally distributed among the 9 remaining teams then ISUs share will increase by $3.29 million to a whopping $12.2 +/- per year.

I used 2009 figures because its ISU and I didn't bother trying to find last years revenue sharing so if these numbers are off just change them.
ISU received $8.9 million from revenue sharing in 2009. Texas A&M received $10.2 million, Nebraska received $9.7 million and Colorado received $9.7 million. Assuming that the revenue is equally distributed among the 9 remaining teams then ISUs share will increase by $3.29 million to a whopping $12.2 +/- per year.

I used 2009 figures because its ISU and I didn't bother trying to find last years revenue sharing so if these numbers are off just change them.

Does losing a team nullify their contract with the networks once AnM is gone? Will that need to be redone?
Honestly they would be better off to go to a CUSA or MWC. Now before people blow up just read the following. ISU has generally been towards the bottom of the big 12 conf, with the exceptions of a couple seasons in the early 2000's. Obviously the competition for ISU in the big 12 is difficult for them. Would it be a terrible thing to go to a CUSA or MWC where the money wouldnt be as good, but you could contend better there vs the big 12? Just a thought, now blow a gasket if you wish.

If the B12 sticks together aTm leaving may help ISU assuming the conference sticks together.

The B12 needs to absorb 3 or 5 of teams: BYU, MWC or CUSA (if Ark, Pitt, Louisville, Cincy aren't interested). IMO it is imperative that the existing B12 members get to keep the name, bowl tie-ins, history etc. Keeping the name allows the B12 to appear to be a big boy even with the departures. Moving to the MWC or C-USA would be a terrible idea.

Wouldn't any of the mid tier teams jump to join the B12?

My dream would be to add: Louisville, Cincy/Pitt and BYU...

North: ISU, Mizzou, KU, K-State, Louisville and Cincy/Pitt
South: UT, T-Tech, OU, OSU, Baylor and BYU
Does losing a team nullify their contract with the networks once AnM is gone? Will that need to be redone?
Sounds that way. AM had some contracts out and will most likely have to either clear the air or come up with an acceptable plan to do so. Secpn or who ever the B12 had contracts with (the ones they just did), will be open to nullifacation as well. I dont know but I would guess secpn is not going to just divde it equally and deduct X amount per school that leaves. It will most likely depend on what school leaves. I mean face it AM leaving hurts that t.v. contract more than if ISU left.
Not 100% sure about the contract but the revenue distribution was based on number of TV appearances so I would have to assume that since A&M won't be appearing in any games following this year their share would automatically drop to $0.

If you read some of Beebe's comments about the contract when it was signed it appears that he felt that all schools had given their commitment to the long-term viability of the Big12. Dude just got kicked in the nuts and I for one am very happy about it.
SMU will be added to the Big12 at the same time that A&M leaves. That bumps them back up to 10. They will likely add Univ of Houston or Rice (prob UofH). They are both located in Houston so only 1 of the 2 will be added. Houston is a HUGE TV market and has a big TX, T Tech and A&M following. Plus it adds a school located in TX that was lost. In fact, the more I think about it the TX Board of Regents should insist that UofH be added. Its a huge revenue gain for that school.

It wouldn't shock me to see them go after New Mexico as its in a very large market and geographically located to current Big12 schools. CSU is another school that they could look at to fill a hole.
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The Big12 currently has 8 - count them - 8 automatic bowl tie ins. Next season they will only have 9 teams.

The Big12(9) will have each team play all others within conference (8 games) which will allow ISU to schedule a 4th OOC game. It would be safe to assume that it will be a Tenn Tech type. Iowa will still be on their schedule so lets say they win 3 of those OOC games.

Can they win 3 of the following 8 games and become bowl eligible?

Tx Tech
Ok St
K St

If they can then the Military Bowl, New Ear Pinstripe Bowl or even the Meineke Car Care Bowl could be their destiny. that you??? ;)
To think this league can survive sitting at 9 teams is laughable. There is a reason they are already canvassing the landscape to try to find programs to fall into this ride the coat tales of Texas league. On another note, congratulations to A&M for standing up and leaving rather than prostituting itself just to stay in the Longhorn League.
No way the big 12 survives more than 1 year if they don't fill the holes.

Agreed 100%. There's no way in heck this thing stays together without a few miracle teams appearing out of the blue and wanting to join.

Even if it did survive, I will guarantee right now a 9 team conference is not going to be allotted 8 bowl tie-ins. Those tie-ins are going to eventually defect to the Pac 12, Big Ten, SEC, etc along with the defecting teams.
The bowls could use some realignment that's for sure.

The Military Bowl (bottom bowl for Big12 next year) is located in Wash., DC. Not many Big12 fans are going to fly to DC in the middle of winter to watch an 7th place Big12 team play a 7th place ACC team.

New Era Pinstripe bowl - located in Bronx, New York. See reasoning for Military Bowl above.

Meineke Car Care is in Houston. That will stay with the Big12 for sure

Holiday Bowl - Traditional bowl with Big10 Tie-ins. I could see the Big10 taking a stab at getting an automatic bid for this one. San Diego is a nice place to visit and since the Big10 ties are in FL, it would be a nice change of pace.

Insight - meh. Who knows what will happen with this one. The payout is pretty low but it is in a desired location.

Alamo - stays with Big12. Its in the heart of Big12 country.

Cotton Bowl - same as Alamo

BCS - They aren't losing their BCS tie-in with TX and OK still in the picture.

That's two for sure, with two more potential losses.
Not 100% sure about the contract but the revenue distribution was based on number of TV appearances so I would have to assume that since A&M won't be appearing in any games following this year their share would automatically drop to $0.

If you read some of Beebe's comments about the contract when it was signed it appears that he felt that all schools had given their commitment to the long-term viability of the Big12. Dude just got kicked in the nuts and I for one am very happy about it.

This is what I was refering to:

"The Big 12 agreed to a 13-year television deal with Fox Sports in April worth more than $1 billion. There is a chance the contract could be voided by the Aggies leaving the conference, which could lead to legal issues for Texas A&M and its new league."

But I am betting AM expected that and thats where this comes in:

"We are seeking to generate greater visibility nationwide for Texas A&M and our championship-caliber student-athletes, as well as secure the necessary and stable financial resources to support our athletic and academic programs," Loftin said in a statement. "This is a 100-year decision that we have addressed carefully and methodically. Texas A&M is an extraordinary institution, and we look forward to what the future may hold for Aggies worldwide"

They outlined their argument for leaving a week or two ago, BEFORE asking what they needed to do to leave. It came down to exit fees. Fox can then go after the B12 and nullify the contract. AM would be totally out of the picture after paying the exit fee, done deal.
To think this league can survive sitting at 9 teams is laughable. There is a reason they are already canvassing the landscape to try to find programs to fall into this ride the coat tales of Texas league. On another note, congratulations to A&M for standing up and leaving rather than prostituting itself just to stay in the Longhorn League.

i love a good coat story
SMU will be added to the Big12 at the same time that A&M leaves. That bumps them back up to 10. They will likely add Univ of Houston or Rice (prob UofH). They are both located in Houston so only 1 of the 2 will be added. Houston is a HUGE TV market and has a big TX, T Tech and A&M following. Plus it adds a school located in TX that was lost. In fact, the more I think about it the TX Board of Regents should insist that UofH be added. Its a huge revenue gain for that school.

It wouldn't shock me to see them go after New Mexico as its in a very large market and geographically located to current Big12 schools. CSU is another school that they could look at to fill a hole.

I agree on Houston but you did not suggest Rice did you? Seriously, Rice? :D
New Mexico is a very large market? The population of New Mexico is two-thirds the population of Iowa. There are only two million people in New Mexico.

The largest TV market in New Mexico is the Albuquerque-Santa Fe market. It is the 46th largest market area in the country, behind such large Big Ten markets as Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek & Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York.
Not all TV markets can be #1 there smart guy. There are 75 (SEVENTY-FIVE) teams in the five major BCS conferences. A market share of 46 is just belowe the average wouldn't you say? So therefore you are adding a major market to the mix. What do you think they are going to do, go out and add a California market? A Florida market? A New York market? No chance a team is leaving the Pac-12, ACC or the SEC to head over the Big9. You need to take what you can get at this point or risk being gobbled up.

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