is this washpun stuff good or bad?


Well-Known Member
what do you think? do you think washpun is just a fall back and really isnt what we need to move forward or is he an upgrade over cully?

lets hear those thoughts hawkeyenation :D
He is more athletic than Cully and in the big picture fits Frans style of ball better. As far as helping us next year...Cully fits the bill better in my opinion. Washpun would be fun to watch on fast breaks...and on the defensive side, but that's about it. He could develop nice though.
I agree I would like this if he could red shirt, but I'm not sure he is ready to effectively play the minutes he is going to be asked to play at Iowa. But he is a natural defender and athlete from what I hear, and those are two great things to build upon. If nothing else he can bring some energy of the bench. That is if we can even get him to come here over Tennessee...
This is a fallback. That doesn't mean it won't work, but if Fran really wanted this kid, he wouldn't have waited until Cully quit.
This is a fallback. That doesn't mean it won't work, but if Fran really wanted this kid, he wouldn't have waited until Cully quit.

he knew cully was out long ago. he used that excuse to washpun to save a little face (for not offering prior - to make it look like he wasn't a 'fallback'). i'm guessing he -fran - was hoping on having a guard by now.
he knew cully was out long ago. he used that excuse to washpun to save a little face (for not offering prior - to make it look like he wasn't a 'fallback'). i'm guessing he -fran - was hoping on having a guard by now.

He knew Cully was considering transferring a long time ago, but Cully did not make that decision until very recently. Contingency plans were put in place, but Fran couldn't get too liberal with offers in case Cully decided to stay. I actually think this offer has more to do with the fact that Tennessee was likely going to offer soon and Washpun was getting more comfortable with Missouri St. If they didn't pony up now there was a good chance they could lose him, while before Fran and co. likely felt like they could wait and see how the other recruits played out.
Thing is isn't Eric May suppose to be considered very athletic. They play different positions but per there position their strengths are athleticism.

But this second half of the season that didn't amount to anything on offense or defense.

I hope at 6'1 and 170 pounds his strength of being very athletic can pay off much more then it has for May. He's not a shooter, he's going to need to develope into a good defender and improve his IQ on offense.

What was his Assist turnover average?
From the little I've observed about Washpun, I think he could have a solid, Mike Hendersonesque career at Iowa. He's also got something Cully Payne didn't have -- a healthy back!

I personally don't care that much who the PG Iowa recruits turns out to be, as long as they get one to give Cartwright a rest next year.
Thing is isn't Eric May suppose to be considered very athletic. They play different positions but per there position their strengths are athleticism.

But this second half of the season that didn't amount to anything on offense or defense.

I hope at 6'1 and 170 pounds his strength of being very athletic can pay off much more then it has for May. He's not a shooter, he's going to need to develope into a good defender and improve his IQ on offense.

What was his Assist turnover average?

103 assists to 68 turnovers= 1.51 assist to turnover rate. He had 87 steals and 55 block with 64 fouls. He shot 25% from three, and 52% from the free throw line.
Not good. This staff doesn't look like they have a closer. Cuonzo's staff at Tennessee is a low achieving mid-major staff. This is NOT high major competition. The biggest issue is that Iowa is getting the in-state leftovers of high majors.

Also, the fact that Van Coleman is their mouth piece is NOT good. I know they can't talk about recruits, but they need to find someone better who can.

Spring signing period cannot come soon enough. It is the unknowing that is the hardest.
It is disappointing. I've seen him many times.
he can jump out of the gym and is quick,
But a poor shooter. I would look at him as
A project. Definitely a fall back recruit.
I don't know how close we were to any of the
other guard prospects that have been
mentioned, but it is too bad we could close
with any of the more polished prospects
that could help us next year.
Fallback. Great athlete. Not a great BB player. He'll never get to the hole in college with ease he did in high school. Hope it works out though.
Would rather have a healthy Cully back but on the other hand you got to question his toughness a little bit.
Well it's certainly good. Wes is a great athlete and he will do a fine job for Iowa down the line. He will help us some next year and he may have to be the man as a Sophomore. As a Junior/Senior I will be good with him Frosh/Soph. we'll see.
Very disappointing bordering on extremely disappointing. Without getting into how underwhelming the offer is, let's not forget that there is no guarantee Washpun will sign. It will be flat out embarassing if he spurns Iowa for TN or even worse, Missouri State. This does not bode well for the remaining scholarships, IMO. May, Gatens, MCable, Oglesby, potentially Washpun....5 kids from Iowa high school ball and we think we are going to get better?

I am huge McCaffrey fan, but if this is the best his staff can do after flying all over the country for a year to look at kids, then he might want to rethink who he has on staff. At this point I think we have to hope that Dillard's son is in the mix as a walk on year one or something, as he is a combo guard who can (according to scouting reports).

I have no doubt Washpun is a tremendous athlete, but we need dudes that can score the ball. 25% shooter from 3 and 52% from the line......well, he has Archie beat in the free throw category by 30%.

He's a fall back guy, just means we missed on all our top options IMO. I don't think it is good at all, and won't provide much help. Only thing we can hope for is another guard to sign on (JUCO) and then get a PG in a year or 2 that can step in and keep Washpun as a backup, I don't think there is anyway he is a starting B10 PG.
I agree that he is most definately a fall back guy. If he wasn't, he would have been offered sooner. This staff needs to pick up the recruiting.

It is amazing with the opportunity of almost immediate playing time that no one has committed.
Maybe there are other pg's on the national scene that Fran wanted, but I like this kid. I think he'll fit into Fran's style of bb. Don't condemn him before he even starts. You can teach shooting. You can't teach athleticism or desire (read: defense).

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