Is this the first week we can forget the TUMS?

On paper yes. Trends indy has 2 out of 3 but we spanked them on the road last year but every player who scored a td for us is graduated or hurt (hampton 3, greene, myers and brodell) so i think i will drink a beer instead. I recommend 1554.
I doubt it... This offense just can't get it together... I'm not sure what it is but they just can't put the pieces together.
The o-line has been fairly stable for most of the year, as has the WR positions. We have decent TE play(great with Tony). QB is the same. Yes there is a RB issue but it has been the same all year as far as the level of play, except it is has improved with better pass blocking. We can barely score enough to win and when the offense doesn't do it, luckily the defense has....

So what's the deal? I don't know. But I do know that I need to order an AED device!
We were at the Indiana game 2 years ago. Supposed to be an easy win. I've been on TUMS ever since! Never count your chickens before they are hached.
You will probably need something today. 24 - 17 Hawks. Theye haven't had a whole lot of trouble scoging on us in recent years. Our offense can't ever keep it together all game.
The only way to watch this years Hawks is to have a glass of champagne in one hand, and a bottle of PeptoBismol in the other........
You will probably need something today. 24 - 17 Hawks. Theye haven't had a whole lot of trouble scoging on us in recent years. Our offense can't ever keep it together all game.

We had no problems scoring on them and keeping them from scoring last year.
Pick six, two quick strikes, and two Wegher TDs gives Iowa the 42-24 win today. Someone hand me a Zantac, some Pepsid AC, Pepto, Rolaids, Gaviscon, Kaopectate and every other stomach remedy you can think of.

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