If they’re gonna require the unvaccinated to have a negative test, they should require the same for the vaccinated. Makes no sense when there are potentially fully vaccinated asymptotic individuals who could show up to a game carrying the virus and not even know it. I would have no problem showing up w/ a negative test being I’m unvaccinated but it should be required whether you’re vaccinated or not.Think most schools in the Big Ten go this route? Iowa?
LSU requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test at Tiger Stadium for fans 12 years and older
LSU made the decision out of concern over the fast-spreading Delta variantwww.cbssports.com
Ain’t gonna happen. Look at Iowa’s covid numbers compared to Louisiana’s and report back to us.Think most schools in the Big Ten go this route? Iowa?
LSU requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test at Tiger Stadium for fans 12 years and older
LSU made the decision out of concern over the fast-spreading Delta variantwww.cbssports.com
Think most schools in the Big Ten go this route? Iowa?
LSU requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test at Tiger Stadium for fans 12 years and older
LSU made the decision out of concern over the fast-spreading Delta variantwww.cbssports.com
Think most schools in the Big Ten go this route? Iowa?
LSU requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test at Tiger Stadium for fans 12 years and older
LSU made the decision out of concern over the fast-spreading Delta variantwww.cbssports.com
Wrong.If they’re gonna require the unvaccinated to have a negative test, they should require the same for the vaccinated. Makes no sense when there are potentially fully vaccinated asymptotic individuals who could show up to a game carrying the virus and not even know it. I would have no problem showing up w/ a negative test being I’m unvaccinated but it should be required whether you’re vaccinated or not.
60,000 people having to show paperwork before going in the stadium? It’s already a huge clusterfuck trying to get in, now slow it down to where it takes 30 seconds or more apiece? Negative tests are gonna be on a thousand different looking forms from a thousand different testing sites and clinics. Vaccination records are going to be fucking xeroxed copies coming from brother Bob and cousin Pete. It’s total bullshit all for show.
That whole dog and pony show is gonna last exactly one game at LSU before they see how completely stupid it is and put out a statement saying, “Well folks, that was a giant shit show, so because we need our ticket money and we don’t need people standing in line pissed off till after halftime trying to get in, we’re just gonna do the right thing like we should have and tell you all to wear a mask if you want and don’t if you don’t. We apologize for last week’s inconvenience, we were just trying to keep the mask&avoid Twitter mob from cancelling our team. Geaux Tiger
That stadium holds 102,000 people.Who knows. I'm sure the Raiders and LSU have put some thought into how they'll process folks through entry. It does seem like it'll be challenging. If it came down to a mask mandate for all, or proof of vax for entry, which would you prefer?
Going to Death Valley is on my bucket list.That stadium holds 102,000 people.
Lets conservatively say that 85,000 of those are over the age of 12.
Looking at the outside of Tiger Stadium on google there are 6 designated entry gates, each one looks like it can hold 4 lines. So that's 24 entry lines. Let's be generous and assume they triple those because of the extenuating circumstances with paperwork checks, and round it up to an even 75 gates.
That means 1,133 people need to go through each line. Very conservatively estimating that it will take 20 seconds for each person to get their paperwork checked (some will be quicker, some will be longer), that comes to 6.3 hours to get all those people through the gate, and that's ignoring the assumed 17,000 kids under 12.
There is absolutely NO way that they are going to do reliable checks on every fan's papers. Negative tests will be on hundreds or thousands of different forms from god knows how many clinics and hospitals, and it would take forever for a gate worker to search around for the date, the negative test result, etc. And at that point are they checking your ID to make sure who you are matches the paperwork? Same with the vaccine card? If they're checking ID you better tack on another 10-15 seconds on everyone.
So what does this mean? It means there's no fucking way you can reliably check everyone coming through the gates and still get everyone in in time for the game. And because of that, this whole deal is nothing more than a farce to make LSU look good to the maskavoidcancel mob. It's complete bullshit, and nothing more than a super false sense of security to the sheep.
Another classic case of dumbing down to the lowest common denominator. Sheep mentality at its finest.That stadium holds 102,000 people.
Lets conservatively say that 85,000 of those are over the age of 12.
Looking at the outside of Tiger Stadium on google there are 6 designated entry gates, each one looks like it can hold 4 lines. So that's 24 entry lines. Let's be generous and assume they triple those because of the extenuating circumstances with paperwork checks, and round it up to an even 75 gates.
That means 1,133 people need to go through each line. Very conservatively estimating that it will take 20 seconds for each person to get their paperwork checked (some will be quicker, some will be longer), that comes to 6.3 hours to get all those people through the gate, and that's ignoring the assumed 17,000 kids under 12.
There is absolutely NO way that they are going to do reliable checks on every fan's papers. Negative tests will be on hundreds or thousands of different forms from god knows how many clinics and hospitals, and it would take forever for a gate worker to search around for the date, the negative test result, etc. And at that point are they checking your ID to make sure who you are matches the paperwork? Same with the vaccine card? If they're checking ID you better tack on another 10-15 seconds on everyone.
So what does this mean? It means there's no fucking way you can reliably check everyone coming through the gates and still get everyone in in time for the game. And because of that, this whole deal is nothing more than a farce to make LSU look good to the maskavoidcancel mob. It's complete bullshit, and nothing more than a super false sense of security to the sheep.
Move to my county.If people aren't going to get their fucking shots, then stop clogging up hospital beds because you are preventing vaccinated people from using them for legit purposes.
Like, you know, my wife, who had to deal with excruciating stomach pain for six days and not be able to hold down food until they
A) could track down someone to do an ultrasound to diagnose her issue (gall stones)
B) find a bed for her so she didn't have to hang out in ER all night.
This wasn't in Podunk, USA. This was Dubuque Iowa. This is her second surgery this month. You wouldn't believe how much busier this particular hospital has become in just sixteen days. We feel lucky that she even got a bed.
Sorry about the rant but this just got personal for me. If you had a chance to get the jab and didn't because you believed the noise, don't cry a river when you or a loved one gets a visit from the Corona reaper. Experts, and facts, have showed ad nauseum that getting jabbed reduces the chance of needing hospitalization if you do contract the germ by many factors.
Our driver roster has been relatively stable.Move to my county.We need 10 times the FedEx drivers we have and we haven't had a covid death since May 25th. No current C19 hospitalizations.
Full rate is 55%, single dose is 60 or 61 I think.I'm guessing Iowa's vax rate is way up by now.
That stadium holds 102,000 people.
Lets conservatively say that 85,000 of those are over the age of 12.
Looking at the outside of Tiger Stadium on google there are 6 designated entry gates, each one looks like it can hold 4 lines. So that's 24 entry lines. Let's be generous and assume they triple those because of the extenuating circumstances with paperwork checks, and round it up to an even 75 gates.
That means 1,133 people need to go through each line. Very conservatively estimating that it will take 20 seconds for each person to get their paperwork checked (some will be quicker, some will be longer), that comes to 6.3 hours to get all those people through the gate, and that's ignoring the assumed 17,000 kids under 12.
There is absolutely NO way that they are going to do reliable checks on every fan's papers. Negative tests will be on hundreds or thousands of different forms from god knows how many clinics and hospitals, and it would take forever for a gate worker to search around for the date, the negative test result, etc. And at that point are they checking your ID to make sure who you are matches the paperwork? Same with the vaccine card? If they're checking ID you better tack on another 10-15 seconds on everyone.
So what does this mean? It means there's no fucking way you can reliably check everyone coming through the gates and still get everyone in in time for the game. And because of that, this whole deal is nothing more than a farce to make LSU look good to the maskavoidcancel mob. It's complete bullshit, and nothing more than a super false sense of security to the sheep.