Is site activity down?


Well-Known Member
It seems like activity on this site is way down since the format switch. I don't think it would be fair to compare activity to the 2009 season because of the buzz surrounding the team and the undefeated start. Probably throw 2010 out to because of expectations and the ensuing collapse. But last year is pretty comparable in expectations and it seems there is not as close to the same amount of posts/threads as then.

Do you have numbers Jon?
70% app gone, 30% bad football apathy

50% app gone, 20% bad football, 30% just don't want to read the constant criticizing.

Let's put it this way, after Hyde's arrest there were many, many more posters on here that were outraged andcalling for a suspension than there was on cyclone fanatic.

It's gotten really bad. I think Vandy is playing awful and I know the team is young in parts and just plain not good in others. However, I don't want to read through thread after thread of people ********. It's depressing as hell.
bye week kind of slowed things down ppl when get back into the groove when there is something to complain
There was that whole ISU-CMU 2 losses in 3 weeks thing. They'll come back, but that is not something that the casual "if we're good I'm on board fan" comes back from easily.

I think ISU definitely has the casual fan momentum on their side right now.
I think the next few weeks will go a long way in determining site activity. If Iowa plays poorly and loses the next two games, there will be an initial freak out (more activity), but then I believe the activity will sink until baskey ball.

If Iowa surprises and does well in the next few weeks, I think activity will be very high.

Go hawks.
Guess I can only speak for myself, but I would suggest that maybe others are in the same boat:

1. Too much outlandish criticism most of which has no basis in fact
2. Too much back and forth personal, childish arguments (go to PM's if you wish to do this...the rest of us don't really care)
3. Threads where posters do not stick to the subject or entertain serious football discussion.
4. A lot of posters trying to be funny...and most are not; they only distract from the discussion.
5. Repetitive threads: I.E., "offense is too conservative"; "we need to blitz more"; "KF makes too much $"; etc.

More and more, I find myself trying to sort through threads to find good football discussions. Or, going to another board where I don't find so many of the things I don't like about this one. I DO read all of Jon's stuff, Claus' stuff, other analysis pieces and really enjoy them, so I will continue to visit this site. The message board, not so much.
I think a fair number of posters who are politically off their rocker, but amusing none the less, who got the hammer has dulled things as well. I'm sure a lot of posters are happy about there absence but I miss the banter and most were pretty good in the other forums.

Scorp. for example fell off the turnup truck at a young age regarding politcal discourse but is still pretty amusing.:rolleyes:
I think the next few weeks will go a long way in determining site activity. If Iowa plays poorly and loses the next two games, there will be an initial freak out (more activity), but then I believe the activity will sink until baskey ball.

If Iowa surprises and does well in the next few weeks, I think activity will be very high.

Go hawks.

Win one for the Diesel?
Based on how JD has chosen to thin the herd, one might conclude that HN is just how he wants it.Homogenous is one word that comes to mind.
Guess I can only speak for myself, but I would suggest that maybe others are in the same boat:

1. Too much outlandish criticism most of which has no basis in fact
2. Too much back and forth personal, childish arguments (go to PM's if you wish to do this...the rest of us don't really care)
3. Threads where posters do not stick to the subject or entertain serious football discussion.
4. A lot of posters trying to be funny...and most are not; they only distract from the discussion.
5. Repetitive threads: I.E., "offense is too conservative"; "we need to blitz more"; "KF makes too much $"; etc.

More and more, I find myself trying to sort through threads to find good football discussions. Or, going to another board where I don't find so many of the things I don't like about this one. I DO read all of Jon's stuff, Claus' stuff, other analysis pieces and really enjoy them, so I will continue to visit this site. The message board, not so much.

Fighting the good fight in multiple threads I are the true champion of the message board crusaders! Please, tell us more about your omnipotent message board proclivity!

Guess I can only speak for myself, but I would suggest that maybe others are in the same boat:

1. Too much outlandish criticism most of which has no basis in fact
2. Too much back and forth personal, childish arguments (go to PM's if you wish to do this...the rest of us don't really care)
3. Threads where posters do not stick to the subject or entertain serious football discussion.
4. A lot of posters trying to be funny...and most are not; they only distract from the discussion.
5. Repetitive threads: I.E., "offense is too conservative"; "we need to blitz more"; "KF makes too much $"; etc.

More and more, I find myself trying to sort through threads to find good football discussions. Or, going to another board where I don't find so many of the things I don't like about this one. I DO read all of Jon's stuff, Claus' stuff, other analysis pieces and really enjoy them, so I will continue to visit this site. The message board, not so much.

I must agree I don't even know why they are on a iowa forum. half the posts deserve to be in a high school forum
1) Release VintageHawkeye from the Depths of Tartarus.
2) Hold on to something, and try not to look it in the eyes.
3) ?????????
4) Enjoy 110% increase in site activity.
Bye week has a lot to do with it IMO. I suspect site activity will bounce back Saturday. Moreso if the Hawks lose.
I'm talking even before the bye. It seems like ever since the switch, there been a big drop in activity. The meltdowns haven't even been as classic this year after losses.