Is Nebraska about to run our D's nightmare offense?

My opinion on this, is the facts. Go Pro, or stay home. Playing that type of ball belongs in HS. No team that matters runs that kind of O, the ones that do have little talent and rely way to much on it to have sustained sucess and when they do run that kind of O, they get exposed. Missery, Mich, Northwestern, and the list goes on and on (did'nt Oregon lose?) Infact has Oregon EVER won a NC in football (thats what you should be asking yourself)? Yes as a coach it would be easy to keep your job because you can have a good year now and again and almost always break the 500 mark, but face it that's middle of the pack.
Most certainly. Norm Parker is a great d-coordinator, but he's got an Achilles heal... always has.

What would you rather have a Norm Parker defense facing? A Penn State, Wisconsin, and/or Glen Mason pro style Power I offense or a Northwestern, Ohio State (Smith/Pryor era), Purdue, Indiana, Iowa State, even UNI spread offense.

Anytime we face a spread offense with decent personal they can give us fits. Not only through the air, but also on the ground. Not always... but certainly more than power I pro style.
My opinion on this, is the facts. Go Pro, or stay home. Playing that type of ball belongs in HS. No team that matters runs that kind of O, the ones that do have little talent and rely way to much on it to have sustained sucess and when they do run that kind of O, they get exposed. Missery, Mich, Northwestern, and the list goes on and on (did'nt Oregon lose?) Infact has Oregon EVER won a NC in football (thats what you should be asking yourself)? Yes as a coach it would be easy to keep your job because you can have a good year now and again and almost always break the 500 mark, but face it that's middle of the pack.

Florida, Auburn, and partially Texas would disagree with you.
My opinion on this, is the facts. Go Pro, or stay home. Playing that type of ball belongs in HS. No team that matters runs that kind of O, the ones that do have little talent and rely way to much on it to have sustained sucess and when they do run that kind of O, they get exposed. Missery, Mich, Northwestern, and the list goes on and on (did'nt Oregon lose?) Infact has Oregon EVER won a NC in football (thats what you should be asking yourself)? Yes as a coach it would be easy to keep your job because you can have a good year now and again and almost always break the 500 mark, but face it that's middle of the pack.

Missouri has had one of it's best runs in school history the last 6-7 years.... NW has too. Oregon has been very, very good the last few years and they lost to the spread of all spread offenses Auburn... who has easily the best OC in the nation.

Indiana and NW do not beat Iowa if they run a pro style offense. It levels the playing field by taking advantage of stubbornness.
Missouri has had one of it's best runs in school history the last 6-7 years.... NW has too. Oregon has been very, very good the last few years and they lost to the spread of all spread offenses Auburn... who has easily the best OC in the nation.

Indiana and NW do not beat Iowa if they run a pro style offense. It levels the playing field by taking advantage of stubbornness.

You gotta admit, we're one of the best in the nation at this.
Most certainly. Norm Parker is a great d-coordinator, but he's got an Achilles heal... always has.

What would you rather have a Norm Parker defense facing? A Penn State, Wisconsin, and/or Glen Mason pro style Power I offense or a Northwestern, Ohio State (Smith/Pryor era), Purdue, Indiana, Iowa State, even UNI spread offense.

Anytime we face a spread offense with decent personal they can give us fits. Not only through the air, but also on the ground. Not always... but certainly more than power I pro style.

The teams you mentioned scored 21, 20, 17, 17, 7 & 16 points in their last meeting vs Iowa.
That's an average of 14.7pt/gm, 4 of which Iowa won.
The problems that Iowa has are rarely defense related.
I think its a common belief that Iowa fares better against the PSU's & Wisconsin type offenses but I don't know that the numbers really support it.

With that said, I too wish Iowa would be a little more multiple on defense.
But I'll take what Norm delivers almost every year.
Missouri has had one of it's best runs in school history the last 6-7 years.... NW has too. Oregon has been very, very good the last few years and they lost to the spread of all spread offenses Auburn... who has easily the best OC in the nation.

Indiana and NW do not beat Iowa if they run a pro style offense. It levels the playing field by taking advantage of stubbornness.

And we beat Missouri, NW , face it they have our number, but are not going to get anywhere (as their conf record shows), Oregon is riding the talent from a few good "gets". The Sec is more balanced then any of those, (but with the B10 knocking on their door). Why do you think they call it PRO set? The NFL has so much money and has been doing it long enough, they know what works and what does'nt.
The teams you mentioned scored 21, 20, 17, 17, 7 & 16 points in their last meeting vs Iowa.
That's an average of 14.7pt/gm, 4 of which Iowa won.
The problems that Iowa has are rarely defense related.
I think its a common belief that Iowa fares better against the PSU's & Wisconsin type offenses but I don't know that the numbers really support it.

With that said, I too wish Iowa would be a little more multiple on defense.
But I'll take what Norm delivers almost every year.

Awesome post!
And we beat Missouri, NW , face it they have our number, but are not going to get anywhere (as their conf record shows), Oregon is riding the talent from a few good "gets". The Sec is more balanced then any of those, (but with the B10 knocking on their door). Why do you think they call it PRO set? The NFL has so much money and has been doing it long enough, they know what works and what does'nt.

I think you mean a few good BUYS.
Infatuation with the spread is a joke. Nebby doesn't run a spread...they run the ball. Can anyone define a spread? Or is it just anytime an offense puts up a lot of points?
Infatuation with the spread is a joke. Nebby doesn't run a spread...they run the ball. Can anyone define a spread? Or is it just anytime an offense puts up a lot of points?

Mostly shotgun, multiple (3+) wide outs, short passing game and read option would be my brief toned down description.
Infatuation with the spread is a joke. Nebby doesn't run a spread...they run the ball. Can anyone define a spread? Or is it just anytime an offense puts up a lot of points?
What I define a spread as is
A. You have no one in the back field, but the qb
B. You rely on a qb who is qwick and decides to run it, leaving him on the sidelines for atleast part of the season. Persa, T-mart again the list goes on and on.

They have names for all the positions for a reason. It is a mans sport.
My opinion on this, is the facts.


Playing that type of ball belongs in HS. No team that matters runs that kind of O, the ones that do have little talent and rely way to much on it to have sustained sucess and when they do run that kind of O, they get exposed. Missery, Mich, Northwestern, and the list goes on and on (did'nt Oregon lose?)

What about these responses?
Auburn ran the spread.
Florida, Auburn, and partially Texas would disagree with you.

What I define a spread as is
A. You have no one in the back field, but the qb
B. You rely on a qb who is qwick and decides to run it, leaving him on the sidelines for atleast part of the season. Persa, T-mart again the list goes on and on.

Then by your definition no team in college football runs the spread, that I can think of. All teams use spread FORMATIONS, but I'm almost sure that every team in Div 1A lists at least a RB in their starting lineup...I'm struggling to come up with a team that uses Empty as their base formation.

What about these responses?

Then by your definition no team in college football runs the spread, that I can think of. All teams use spread FORMATIONS, but I'm almost sure that every team in Div 1A lists at least a RB in their starting lineup...I'm struggling to come up with a team that uses Empty as their base formation.
I would help you out, but as a fan of the Hawks I can not. Look at how Missery lined up to us in our bowl (have you seen it?). If you cared to watch the game, the announcer says "misserys RB is RB by vote of the team members".
Dont come at me with weak stuff.
The Sec is just a notch above the B10, Reason why is they have good O-lines. Their QB's dont have to run, because they have a decent arm. They are given the option of passing or running by their O-line. BUT the fact remains, if the QB goes down, so does the season. Again look at the PRO set. Or the pro's. Look at Vandy in OH, thats how it's done. Not Hanging it all on one player. How many other teams could send it into OT with a #2 freshman at the helm in the shoe? I am guessing not to many that run the types of O's I desrcibed in a eariler post.
Pay attention Wiskey!!!!!!!
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Florida was good with Tebow, then you don't hear about them. Auburn was good with Newton, probably won't hear about them again. If these teams get the right player to run the spread then they are set, but if not, they aren't the best. I believe that when we lose it isn't because of the D, we never score a lot. In the last 3 years the most points we gave up to a team was 34 against Arizona last year. We gave up 31 to Wisconsin last year. Those were the only two games in the last 3 years we gave up more than 30 points. Think of it this way, if the offense scored 30 a game like a lot of schools do, they would be 34-2 in the last three years not counting bowl games. If you think 30 is hard to get it is just a touchdown every quarter plus a field goal somewhere in between and you are at 31. That being said we don't score 30 a game so it's just wishful thinking.

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