Is KF's job to win football games or send bodies to the NFL?

Thats why all the NFL talking heads love Ferentz

He is a great/free minor league developer for them

They don't give a rats *** about the team winning they just know he produces for the NFL.

Thus is why he is such a big deal to them
Thats why all the NFL talking heads love Ferentz

He is a great/free minor league developer for them

They don't give a rats *** about the team winning they just know he produces for the NFL.

Thus is why he is such a big deal to them

you are saying that KF doesn't care about winning? he's produced the best results in your lifetime, unless you date back to the evy days.

it couldn't be that player development is iowa's competitive advantage, could it be? the ability to produce NFL talent is probably one of the few feather's in iowa's cap.

i challenge you to name some others.
i answered the posters question. mine was not answered.

how many 8-3 teams would go to the rose bowl today?

Well Illinois went in 2007 with 3 losses so there's one for you in the BCS age. It's much easier to make a bcs bowl game now than in Fry's era. You at least had to tie for 1st in the conference standings to be eligible. Now you have the opportunity to have two BCS teams from the Big Ten.
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Trick question. The answer is neither and both. Actually his main job is to teach through football the young people in his charge to be better football players, young men, and students. Secondary jobs associated with that (and this is where the whole he's making 4 million a year argument is just stupid) include developing them in the art of football (sending to pros), put them in positions to be successful on the field and in life (win games and graduate with a degree), bring money into the university and university sports program, and sell tickets at the big stadium across from the hospital and parking ramps. His job is not to do either of the initial questions in your thread line though both of them are a part of his JOB! If you look at every piece of what his job is, he's one of the most successful coaches in the country and is grossly underpaid if anything. So btw is paul rhodes for isu.
Just to play devils advocate in support of Fry he also didn't have a BCS system to work with like KF does. It was Rose Bowl or nothing for him.

This was my thought as well. Fry had a couple of teams that would have been right in the mix for at-large BCS bids. Namely, 1991 (10-1 in reg season) and 1983 (9-2). Not to mention he likely would have had a few more ten-win seasons if they had the twelve-game regular season then: 1983 (9-3 overall), 1986 (9-3 overall), and 1996 (9-3 overall).

What Kirk has done at Iowa has been special, but no more special than what Fry did.
I would also like to add that the main item that bothers me about Ferentz's teams has been the unranked droughts between top-10 finishes. 2008 was the only season where a Ferentz team that didn't finish in the top 10 did finish in the top 25.

Just far too many games where the team looks disinterested to maintain the program's momentum. In 2007, for instance, the Hawks are 8-4 if they beat ISU and WMU, both 4-8 teams. I was at both games, and beyond losing (which does happen), there was ZERO excitement and enthusiasm from my viewpoint. At a minimum, THAT is Kirk's job on gameday: to have the troops mentally ready to play on 12 Saturdays.
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This was my thought as well. Fry had a couple of teams that would have been right in the mix for at-large BCS bids. Namely, 1991 (10-1 in reg season) and 1983 (9-2). Not to mention he likely would have had a few more ten-win seasons if they had the twelve-game regular season then: 1983 (9-3 overall), 1986 (9-3 overall), and 1996 (9-3 overall).

What Kirk has done at Iowa has been special, but no more special than what Fry did.

9-3 or 8-4. xtra games cut both ways. xtra injury (see a broken ankle against a directional team this year), or run into a buzzsaw, or just lose,.... etc.

both those examples cited either tied or lost their bowl game. and yes, those were not BCS-level bowl games. what would have happened against better competition? who knows.

putting the different BCS rules aside: Fry had two teams in 20 years finish in the top 10 and they both finished #10. that fact negates the bcs rule, the ease of playing a bcs game, and the 12 game schedule, imo.
9-3 or 8-4. xtra games cut both ways. xtra injury (see a broken ankle against a directional team this year), or run into a buzzsaw, or just lose,.... etc.

both those examples cited either tied or lost their bowl game. and yes, those were not BCS-level bowl games. what would have happened against better competition? who knows.

putting the different BCS rules aside: Fry had two teams in 20 years finish in the top 10 and they both finished #10. that fact negates the bcs rule, the ease of playing a bcs game, and the 12 game schedule, imo.

I'll concede the injury point, but game number 12 is against a cupcake generally. If we had played 11 games this year, Pitt would not have been the team to fall off the schedule.

One of Fry's top ten teams you allude to played in the Holiday Bowl, and would very likely have been 11-1 if a 12th game was added to the regular season.

I agree with your perspective on the Ferentz era, and how hard it is to win at Iowa, but I don't think that perspective has to come at the expense of Fry's accomplishments. In 2000 (BCS era), Purdue, like the 1981 and 1990 Hawks, went to the Rose Bowl at 8-3 (6-2 B10). It happens. None of those teams were bad. If Ferentz had made a Rose Bowl in that fashion, I would not decry it.

Those Orange Bowl teams (and 2004) were great, Big Ten-title-caliber teams, but Fry was more frequently in title contention.

Given the relative increase in parity now, I would say they are roughly equal. The only thing you say that I dispute is that Ferentz is better than Fry. They're both great (provided Ferentz doesn't finish out his tenure averaging 7-5 seasons, which I don't think he will).
First of all - remove Boise Idaho from that list. It's like comparing apples and oranges. Iowa would go 12-0 every year if they played a cupcake schedule like Boise State. Nebraska & Oklahoma are two of the longtime powerhouse programs with a history of national championships and legendary coaches. TV exposure for the last 50 years. Oklahoma & Okie State are close to Texas. More talent in Texas than anywhere else and warmer climate. It is what it is....Iowa's reputation is growing but we're still not in the discussion when people talk national championships.
I would also like to add that the main item that bothers me about Ferentz's teams has been the unranked droughts between top-10 finishes. 2008 was the only season where a Ferentz team that didn't finish in the top 10 did finish in the top 25.

Just far too many games where the team looks disinterested to maintain the program's momentum. In 2007, for instance, the Hawks are 8-4 if they beat ISU and WMU, both 4-8 teams. I was at both games, and beyond losing (which does happen), there was ZERO excitement and enthusiasm from my viewpoint. At a minimum, THAT is Kirk's job on gameday: to have the troops mentally ready to play on 12 Saturdays.

This. It goes back to Kirk's recorded when Iowa is a double digit favorite.
Improve that and you would have to be crazy to complain about Kirk.
you are saying that KF doesn't care about winning? he's produced the best results in your lifetime, unless you date back to the evy days.

it couldn't be that player development is iowa's competitive advantage, could it be? the ability to produce NFL talent is probably one of the few feather's in iowa's cap.

i challenge you to name some others.

I didn't say he doesn't care about winning.

Of course he cares about winning - I'm just saying alot of the "talk" about him and how great he is in NFL circles is because he produces for them.

I don't think they really care about his wins nor judge him on that

So I guess I'm saying - The NFL guys don't persuade me much when it comes to the pros and cons of Ferentz.

They don't give a S*** about Iowa football
First of all - remove Boise Idaho from that list. It's like comparing apples and oranges. Iowa would go 12-0 every year if they played a cupcake schedule like Boise State.

**Insert KF's record in games where we are favored by large margins/double digits**
win games; however in a major conference if you don't have at least some NFL players you won't win games. How about both!
iowa is a tough place to recruit to. and a tough place to win at. that is all i am saying. what's iowa's competitive advantage? please list in detail.

$. $ is always a good advantage. Top 16 in revenue = higher salaries and more plush facilities, should translate to on field success.
These College Football Programs Make The Most Money - Business Insider

and i would say that iowa has had pretty good success in KF's tenure.

$ also speaks to people who would compare Iowa to Oregon and Oklahoma State and their recent success spike. I'm not talking revenue, I'm talking donations.

Pickens has given over $500MM to Oklahoma State and is pushing to help them raise $1 Billion. Iowa's biggest one-time gift is $5MM.

With T. Boone Pickens’ gift, OSU kicks off drive for $1B |
the comment that worries me is the posters putting it on the coaches to get players fired up on gameday. i was a college athlete and played sports throughout hs (4 sports) and now i coach. the responsibility of the coach is to prepare the player. if the player isnt emotionally there for the game it is the players fault. i never needed a coach to fire me up and if i wasnt fired up nothing a coach said could do it. it is personal pride and desire to do your best. plus people put too much into outward emotion. players can be calm on the outside and really emotionally ready. seems like everyone wants the rah rah players. those guys are annoying and they are also usually the first ones to complain when things dont work out.
the comment that worries me is the posters putting it on the coaches to get players fired up on gameday. i was a college athlete and played sports throughout hs (4 sports) and now i coach. the responsibility of the coach is to prepare the player. if the player isnt emotionally there for the game it is the players fault. i never needed a coach to fire me up and if i wasnt fired up nothing a coach said could do it. it is personal pride and desire to do your best. plus people put too much into outward emotion. players can be calm on the outside and really emotionally ready. seems like everyone wants the rah rah players. those guys are annoying and they are also usually the first ones to complain when things dont work out.

too much logic = fail on this board.


the thing that is baffling is that a guy who has no emotional control > can keep his emotions in check to seemingly many on this board.

those outwardly emotional guys burn their team out, as well.

the rah rah players are typically the most dense as well.
the comment that worries me is the posters putting it on the coaches to get players fired up on gameday. i was a college athlete and played sports throughout hs (4 sports) and now i coach. the responsibility of the coach is to prepare the player. if the player isnt emotionally there for the game it is the players fault. i never needed a coach to fire me up and if i wasnt fired up nothing a coach said could do it. it is personal pride and desire to do your best. plus people put too much into outward emotion. players can be calm on the outside and really emotionally ready. seems like everyone wants the rah rah players. those guys are annoying and they are also usually the first ones to complain when things dont work out.
too much logic = fail on this board. :)the thing that is baffling is that a guy who has no emotional control > can keep his emotions in check to seemingly many on this board.those outwardly emotional guys burn their team out, as well.the rah rah players are typically the most dense as well.

this is my take on drew tate. he was a good qb for iowa but after awhile his outward emotion rubbed guys wrong and they didnt play for him as well. obviously there were other issues as he went through his years but this was one. and i for one enjoyed tate as a skilled qb. just thought he needed to calm down.
I disagree that motivation isn't a job of the coaches. there are many different ways to motivate and its a coaches job to know the best way to motivate each individual player

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