Is JoePed's fall from grace the biggest ever?

PSU showing up at JoePeds in support house show how revered he was. The rest of the worlds reaction shows how far he's fallen.

It's apples and oranges. The rest of the world didn't see him the same way PSU fans/students/etc. did before the scandal.

If those people all saw JoePa the way we do now, then it would be a tremendous fall. But we didn't place him on as high of a pedestal as they did.
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PSU showing up at JoePeds in support house show how revered he was. The rest of the worlds reaction shows how far he's fallen.
It's apples and oranges. The rest of the world didn't see him the same way PSU fans/students/etc. did before the scandal. If those people all saw JoePa the way we do now, then it would be a tremendous fall. But we didn't place him on as high of a pedestal as they did.

TM makes a valid point, but the premise is flawed. Amidst the college football world, Joe Pa was always known as one of the good ones, the one who did things right, a coach to be looked up to. The college football world respected the hell out of JoePa. Outside of a couple thousand PSU nuts, the rest of then college football world now is disgusted by him.
PSU showing up at JoePeds in support house show how revered he was. The rest of the worlds reaction shows how far he's fallen.
It's apples and oranges. The rest of the world didn't see him the same way PSU fans/students/etc. did before the scandal. If those people all saw JoePa the way we do now, then it would be a tremendous fall. But we didn't place him on as high of a pedestal as they did.

my grandma knew who joe pa was and thougt he was a swell guy. i dont know a single football fan (male between 18 and 98) who at least didnt respect the **** out of him. in october 2011 he was arguably the most revered figure in sports.
Calm down scorpion (Get over Here!), just my way of contributing to the absurd amount of threads/posts on this stupid topic.

If team legend wasn't beating this into the ground this story might run its course.

yet you bump every one of the psu threads
go figure
Joe is dead, spoof gone!He can't think or feel or care about what people says. It's no uses to talk about dead people.
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Jason did it, his son Jason. I am reading the investigators book who went back and re examined the case. the title is "oj is innocent and I can prove it."

I actually worked for a vendor that OJ used. On more than a couple occasions, OJ used us for apology gifts to Nicole. I also was in the Brentwood home, not the condo at times. OJ did a lot of messed up stuff, but it really seemed he did still love Nicole. However, it still seemed he did it.

But, as I saw Jason run up to the Bronco, I said to my girlfriend, "oh, Jason did it."
Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard. While there are countless accounts of members of the clergy engaging in untoward behavior, these are the most high profile.
Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard. While there are countless accounts of members of the clergy engaging in untoward behavior, these are the most high profile.

while theres no doubt the belong on the list id argue the fall wasnt as hard. JoePed turned into the debil. These guys are just laigging stocks.
while theres no doubt the belong on the list id argue the fall wasnt as hard. JoePed turned into the debil. These guys are just laigging stocks.

The hard comparison is that JoePa died, so he didn't have time for his indiscretions to subside in the public's mind.

Each of these guys had a huge Religion industry which made them mega rich. It is interesting to make the comparison between religious figure with devout followers and college football coach. Each can control the behavior of others with the ability to excommunicate. Each has the ability to get others to contribute large sums of money to their cause. Guess the one you really want to watch out for is the football coach who claims to be doing the Lord's work.

Here are a couple of other fall from grace people.

Bernie Madoff - Charles Keating - John DeLorean.
Mike Price - the former Washington State coach who was hired at Alabama before being fired for soliciting a prostitute that looked like Dee Snider

Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa - Arguably saved baseball with their assault on Roger Maris' fabled home run record only to be accused of steroid use.

Jim Tressel - his handling of "Tattoogate" was small potatoes compared to the Sandusky/Paterno cover up, but a fall nonetheless and it did cost him the OSU job

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