I can't recall a start to a year where the tackling, across the board, has been as awful as it's been this year.
Just this week, in watching the PSU/Bama game, the ND/Mich game, the IA/ISU game, and several others flipping back and forth, it was terrible. I realize a guy like Richardson for Bama is a good back, but this is PSU we're talking about, and they looked like a high school team trying to tackle him.
I wonder if it's because programs are cutting way back on hitting and tackling during fall camp? I don't know what it is, but it's laughable.
I think this bodes well for the Hawks because we don't hold back in camp and it has shown so far this year. Iowa's tackling so far has been crisp and solid.
Just this week, in watching the PSU/Bama game, the ND/Mich game, the IA/ISU game, and several others flipping back and forth, it was terrible. I realize a guy like Richardson for Bama is a good back, but this is PSU we're talking about, and they looked like a high school team trying to tackle him.
I wonder if it's because programs are cutting way back on hitting and tackling during fall camp? I don't know what it is, but it's laughable.
I think this bodes well for the Hawks because we don't hold back in camp and it has shown so far this year. Iowa's tackling so far has been crisp and solid.