Is Harrison Barnes a bust?


Well-Known Member
After listening to Marty and reading some national arcticles about Harrison's struggles, it appears many people view him as a failure. Can this really be true? I thought he was going to be the next MJ. What gives?
My guess is the coddling in Ames didnt follow him to NC. I wouldnt call him a bust, but he hasnt lived up to the hype quite yet. Hes still pretty damn good.
I don't know why anyone would think Harrison is a bust. He started as a true freshman on a powerhouse team. Nobody will ever be the next MJ.
No, he's not a bust. Anyone who has that opinion is either silly or intentionally trying to stir the pot. The writers were fools to pick him first team preseason AA before he ever played a game last year

That said I felt he should have turned pro after last season.
Its just crazy to me that 2 years ago nobody would've guessed that Doug Mcd would be an AA and Harrison not be one. Barnes should stick around and prove himself in Chapel Hill. Show them he can make it as a pro.
No, he's not a bust. Anyone who has that opinion is either silly or intentionally trying to stir the pot. The writers were fools to pick him first team preseason AA before he ever played a game last year

That said I felt he should have turned pro after last season.

I would agree,Jon,but I feel that now he should stay in college and hope to get his stock up which has dropped dramatically this season.
I would say Roy Williams is a bit of a bust, considering that he gets the best players in the country...(aside from perhaps Calipari)...
He's avg 16 pts just over 5 boards and shoots about 74% from the free throw line. Only avg 1 ast and 1 st per gm thru 2 yrs. Shoots 43% from field and 35% from 3. Not sure if that's bust territory or not. He can clearly improve his game (alot) But he's still a lottery pick in the NBA if he comes out. He could be one of those guys who is a better NBA player then a college one. Or perhaps he's peaked. Time will tell.
Lopez was more disappointing than HB.

You're flying old school with the Felipe reference. I'm not sure how big a bust somebody can be though that scored close to 2,000 career points, their worse scoring average was 16 PPG and ultimately was a first round pick. However, the expectations for this kid were through the roof and the SI cover before playing a game certainly didn't help.
the style of basketball in college is what hurts barnes. his skill set will be more pronounced in the pros where as mcdermott's skill set is more suited to college.

then doug has the offense go through him while harrison has 4 other pros in the starting lineup with him (with health marshall) so he doesnt have the offense work through him.

if mcdermott was in a major conference his numbers wouldnt be as big. they would still be good to great maybe more of an 18 pt guy but not the 24 or whatever they were. if harrison was in the mo valley he would get 20+ a night too.
the style of basketball in college is what hurts barnes. his skill set will be more pronounced in the pros where as mcdermott's skill set is more suited to college.

then doug has the offense go through him while harrison has 4 other pros in the starting lineup with him (with health marshall) so he doesnt have the offense work through him.

if mcdermott was in a major conference his numbers wouldnt be as big. they would still be good to great maybe more of an 18 pt guy but not the 24 or whatever they were. if harrison was in the mo valley he would get 20+ a night too.

Barnes is not a good isolation player in college, why do you think this will improve in the NBA?
Not a bust but hasnt lived up to the media hype. He just doesnt take over(BIG) games like I would like to see.
In what way? Did Lopez have more hype or do you think Barnes has outperformed him?

They are actually probably as similar as can be found. I just remember the hype for Felipe being sky high and he didn't even live in my state. LONG time ago though. He was on the cover of SI if I remember correctly. Different information era.

I think he and Barnes have had very similar careers so far.
I think there are just to many good players on one team that none of them shine as superstars just a lot of good players. When he turns pro he will be a star.

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