Is Fran the answer?

Fran had a disadvantage when he came to Iowa with recruiting. His First couple of classes he was just starting to develop relationships with the players. Two years ago Iowa only had one scholarship, and last year Iowa had three. Uhl, Ellingson, and Dickerson all look like they can bring a lot to a team. The guys coming in next year all look like solid players. They should be fun to watch.

Lol...Uhl looks like he can run around a little bit and catch a pass but other than that I haven't seen him do anything. I hope Ellingson and Dickerson bring a lot off the court and are good teammates because they aren't doing and anything now and won't be doing anything in the future on the court. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ellingson transfer out after the season.
I think Wolfgang hit it on the head during his and Jon's podcast. If this years team doesn't make the NCAA tourney, we are in big, big trouble. That would be 1 appearance in 5 years, and year 6 is gonna be a struggle anyway. We are going to have to rely on Gesell, Woody and Clemmons next year........YIKES.

Are Uthoff, Jok, Uhl and the rest of the current roster going somewhere? That's 2/3 of the rotation and 4 of the 5 starters...okay 3 out of 5 for those that can't accept that Woodbury starts.
Are Uthoff, Jok, Uhl and the rest of the current roster going somewhere? That's 2/3 of the rotation and 4 of the 5 starters...okay 3 out of 5 for those that can't accept that Woodbury starts.

Lol. I don't mean to be an azz, and please don't take offense, but are you a visually impaired person?
Summary of Iowa message boards...

Iowa starts 2-0 ... We're going to finish 2nd in the B1G!
Iowa goes to 2-1 ... FIRE EVERYBODY!!!

Lot's of bandwagon jumpers as expected. Question for all of you calling for Fran's head... Name me 2 teams in the B1G who are consistent every night out? You can't expect to win many games when the opponent goes 8-8 in a half from 3. Fran took responsibility for part of that, but there isn't much you can do about it.

If Iowa can win 2 of the next 5, they will be in good shape to make the tournament.

Even if we win 2 of the next 5 games that's wish full thinking making the tournament. That would put us at 4-4 in the B1G and 13 - 8 overall. We'll need at least 20 wins to get into the tournament. I cant see us winning 7 of the last 10. I still believe Fran can get do the job but as for making the Big Dance I just don't see it.
didnt you forget someone, like Mr. Davis who won big and did great in the tourney.

Since Raveling's recruits left, Iowa has only made the sweet sixteen once in the last twenty-seven seasons. Davis never won big & did not do great in the tournament. Only Davis' first team seriously challenged for the Big Ten title. Sure, Mr. Davis never lost a first round game, but didn't win many games after the first round. After his first two seasons, Davis was just a five-hundred coach in the conference.

Since Lute left, Iowa has seriously challenged for the Big Ten Title only two times. Davis' first team & once under Alford. Davis never won anything. At least Alford won two Big Ten Tournaments. Heck, I'm old enough to remember Ralph & Lute.

All you need to know about Davis is that when he came to Iowa, you had to donate money to get split-season tickets. Iowa wasn't even filling the place when he left.
I get it, long wait for Iowa to return to top . I'm being made a butt of jokes from my Florida Gators friends. The question is" Hey what's wrong with Iowa". "When Iowa 's gonna win?".
Since Raveling's recruits left, Iowa has only made the sweet sixteen once in the last twenty-seven seasons. Davis never won big & did not do great in the tournament. Only Davis' first team seriously challenged for the Big Ten title. Sure, Mr. Davis never lost a first round game, but didn't win many games after the first round. After his first two seasons, Davis was just a five-hundred coach in the conference.

Since Lute left, Iowa has seriously challenged for the Big Ten Title only two times. Davis' first team & once under Alford. Davis never won anything. At least Alford won two Big Ten Tournaments. Heck, I'm old enough to remember Ralph & Lute.

All you need to know about Davis is that when he came to Iowa, you had to donate money to get split-season tickets. Iowa wasn't even filling the place when he left.

So after the first 2 years where Davis won big with Raveling's recruits snd Fran lost with Lick's recruits, they have the exact same results. The only difference is that Davis was clearly trajecting down as far as talent on the court goes. Fran is definitely not yet.
I get it, long wait for Iowa to return to top . I'm being made a butt of jokes from my Florida Gators friends. The question is" Hey what's wrong with Iowa". "When Iowa 's gonna win?".

Your Florida friends might be making fun of your grammar not the way Iowa plays basketball. So keep your head up man! Keep your head up.
So after the first 2 years where Davis won big with Raveling's recruits snd Fran lost with Lick's recruits, they have the exact same results. The only difference is that Davis was clearly trajecting down as far as talent on the court goes. Fran is definitely not yet.

Trending down? I guess so from 30-5. How many NCAA games has Fran won so far? A big fat 0! There are 0 similarities between Fran and Davis thus far. If we win at least 1 NCAA GAME for the next 5-7 years and then get beat in the 2nd round by a number 1 seed who has a good chance of winning it all, then i will agree. Otherwise, there is no comparison thus far. I sure hope there is in the future, but unless we see NCAA tournaments in the next 2 years, then i think we will be seeing another coach.
Trending down? I guess so from 30-5. How many NCAA games has Fran won so far? A big fat 0! There are 0 similarities between Fran and Davis thus far. If we win at least 1 NCAA GAME for the next 5-7 years and then get beat in the 2nd round by a number 1 seed who has a good chance of winning it all, then i will agree. Otherwise, there is no comparison thus far. I sure hope there is in the future, but unless we see NCAA tournaments in the next 2 years, then i think we will be seeing another coach.

Coaching Raveling's recruits is a pretty big advantage over coaching Lick's recruits. After the first couple years, they have pretty much identical conference records. Whether a .500 conference team gets picked or not for the tourney doesn't change how good of a job the coach did to earn that .500 record. It changes it as far as perception of fans obviously. But it doesn't make Davis's coaching job better than Fran's.

In my opinion, you should judge a coach based on wins and loses. If you do that, they are very comparable.
I come in peace...

I have a theory. Every basketball fan in Iowa has seen Fran blow up on the sideline. It has become his signature. Do you think he does this to only refs or might he do it to his players? I think these players are afraid to make a mistake because they don't want to feel the wrath of Fran. Kids don't respond to that type of coaching these days. They are playing tight.

Just a theory.

Go sit behind the bench of any program. You'll be shocked how the coaches talk to players and how players talked to one another. Fran is a little harsh though but nothing out of the norm.
Hmmm. How exactly do our three recruits from last year's cellar dweller ranked recruiting class look like they can bring "a lot to the team?" I hope they will be all conference type players, but I have seen nothing from them to think that will happen. Dickerson and Ellingson can't even see the court while playing on the team with the worst guard play in the Big 10. Dickerson was supposed to be a big time assist guy and a guy who can score off the dribble. Have not seen it. Next year he will be a jr and I don't see whose minutes he takes. Which means he won't play until his senior year after 3 yrs in the program.

Fran had a disadvantage when he came to Iowa with recruiting. His First couple of classes he was just starting to develop relationships with the players. Two years ago Iowa only had one scholarship, and last year Iowa had three. Uhl, Ellingson, and Dickerson all look like they can bring a lot to a team. The guys coming in next year all look like solid players. They should be fun to watch.
Even if we win 2 of the next 5 games that's wish full thinking making the tournament. That would put us at 4-4 in the B1G and 13 - 8 overall. We'll need at least 20 wins to get into the tournament. I cant see us winning 7 of the last 10. I still believe Fran can get do the job but as for making the Big Dance I just don't see it.

I don't think you're thinking this through...

1 - 10-8 in the B1G gets Iowa in the tournament.
2 - Still have the B1G conference tournament.

So, if they win 2 of the next 5, they are 4-4 in the B1G. Just go 6-4 in the last 10 games and you are looking pretty good. Do all that and win 1 in the BTT and it's a lock.

Lot's of "if's" in there, but I think it's manageable.
Is it getting as old as it was under Lick and Li'l Lick?

no, not yet. not close to that. however, the goal is to get to NCAA tournaments, so time will tell. Lick's teams look a lot like iowa football at this time.

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