Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

If I recall correctly, it was primarily the AD looking for a change. Stevie Alford was the next hot thing so they went out and got him. Just saying Fran has given us BB similar to Tom. I personally liked Tom's coaching style much better than Fran's. Tom got a heck of a lot more out of the players he had.
There were fans at the end of Dr Toms tenure ready for a change (I wasn't) More then some as I seem to remember anyway did. They felt the program had plateaued. (it pretty much had) Granted the plateau at the time then was like 3 strait NCAA tourney appearences and as we know he never lost in 1st round. So going after the hot new thing in Alford was a popular move at the time thinking he'd get them to final 4s... I can't remember the exact timeline as to how fast he was hired but it was fairly fast I think in relation to the end of that season.
As far as getting the most out of his players I think Fran is ok at that. Aaron White, Devyn Marlble, ring a bell? The flip side to that might be Woodbury but regardless of where he went he was who he was. No coach was going to turn him into a stud. If you want to say Frans teams play no D and have had lackluster results with pg recruiting I can get down with that. But Fran has had some under the radar guys really become cornerstone type of players too.
There were fans at the end of Dr Toms tenure ready for a change (I wasn't) More then some as I seem to remember anyway did. They felt the program had plateaued. (it pretty much had) Granted the plateau at the time then was like 3 strait NCAA tourney appearences and as we know he never lost in 1st round. So going after the hot new thing in Alford was a popular move at the time thinking he'd get them to final 4s... I can't remember the exact timeline as to how fast he was hired but it was fairly fast I think in relation to the end of that season.
As far as getting the most out of his players I think Fran is ok at that. Aaron White, Devyn Marlble, ring a bell? The flip side to that might be Woodbury but regardless of where he went he was who he was. No coach was going to turn him into a stud. If you want to say Frans teams play no D and have had lackluster results with pg recruiting I can get down with that. But Fran has had some under the radar guys really become cornerstone type of players too.

Woody's best attribute and contribution was his defense. He was pretty solid playing D without getting into foul trouble. People should not forget that. He mucked things up for other teams in there.
I had no idea you could do this in GTA 5. Of course trevor and not franklin would be the one to go cow kickin'/tippin'
Woody's best attribute and contribution was his defense. He was pretty solid playing D without getting into foul trouble. People should not forget that. He mucked things up for other teams in there.
I think his point and mine to him was in regards to players improving during their time. Like Woody didn't hardly improve much during his 4 years. He just was who he was especially offensively. What is Woody doing nowadays? Is he in Dleague or overseas?
I think his point and mine to him was in regards to players improving during their time. Like Woody didn't hardly improve much during his 4 years. He just was who he was especially offensively. What is Woody doing nowadays? Is he in Dleague or overseas?

I get that. Good point. Last I knew he was oversees but I have no idea what he is during currently.
There were fans at the end of Dr Toms tenure ready for a change (I wasn't) More then some as I seem to remember anyway did. They felt the program had plateaued. (it pretty much had) Granted the plateau at the time then was like 3 strait NCAA tourney appearences and as we know he never lost in 1st round. So going after the hot new thing in Alford was a popular move at the time thinking he'd get them to final 4s... I can't remember the exact timeline as to how fast he was hired but it was fairly fast I think in relation to the end of that season.
As far as getting the most out of his players I think Fran is ok at that. Aaron White, Devyn Marlble, ring a bell? The flip side to that might be Woodbury but regardless of where he went he was who he was. No coach was going to turn him into a stud. If you want to say Frans teams play no D and have had lackluster results with pg recruiting I can get down with that. But Fran has had some under the radar guys really become cornerstone type of players too.
I had mixed emotions about getting rid of Mr. Davis. His teams were fun to watch, but I think a lot of people felt that Iowa basketball should try to get to the next step. I have no problem with wanting to raise the bar, and getting a big name hot young coach made Iowa basketball exciting. What I didn't know is what a total d-bag Alford was. Lick was the coach of the year before he came to Iowa, it turned out his assistant (Brad Stevens) was the really the brains behind that operation.
Now we have risen back to mediocre status. There is some doubt now about how high Fran can take us. Like I have said several times, he has this year and next to show the fans that there is hope of something more than mediocrity, and if he can't, we should try again with someone else.
If we win 10 games or less (which I don't think will happen,) then the timeline should be sped up.
He was also a master at poking the opposition in the eye. So, yes, very good defensively.

You raise a point that many don't agree with. Fran doesn't teach them proper positioning and hand movement on D. Iowa does a lot of across the body ball slapping (at least historically). Can't say it's been as noticeable this year. Maybe the D isn't in position to slap.
I had mixed emotions about getting rid of Mr. Davis. His teams were fun to watch, but I think a lot of people felt that Iowa basketball should try to get to the next step. I have no problem with wanting to raise the bar, and getting a big name hot young coach made Iowa basketball exciting. What I didn't know is what a total d-bag Alford was. Lick was the coach of the year before he came to Iowa, it turned out his assistant (Brad Stevens) was the really the brains behind that operation.
Now we have risen back to mediocre status. There is some doubt now about how high Fran can take us. Like I have said several times, he has this year and next to show the fans that there is hope of something more than mediocrity, and if he can't, we should try again with someone else.
If we win 10 games or less (which I don't think will happen,) then the timeline should be sped up.

I agree with this.. I will take it a step farther and say that I don't think this year's team with the schedule we've played should be under 500..
I had mixed emotions about getting rid of Mr. Davis. His teams were fun to watch, but I think a lot of people felt that Iowa basketball should try to get to the next step. I have no problem with wanting to raise the bar, and getting a big name hot young coach made Iowa basketball exciting. What I didn't know is what a total d-bag Alford was. Lick was the coach of the year before he came to Iowa, it turned out his assistant (Brad Stevens) was the really the brains behind that operation.
Now we have risen back to mediocre status. There is some doubt now about how high Fran can take us. Like I have said several times, he has this year and next to show the fans that there is hope of something more than mediocrity, and if he can't, we should try again with someone else.
If we win 10 games or less (which I don't think will happen,) then the timeline should be sped up.
Yeah I'm not sure what signs there were to be seen about what a douche Alford was prior to hiring him. But yeah it wasn't even just the Pierre Pierce deal (as terrible as that was) He was just a total asshat that if more of his shananigans had been made public sooner the fan base wouldn't have wanted him representing us. He didn't win enough to overlook some of that crap. UCLA and him deserve each other.
I agree there may be some doubt on Fran. Until we get to the 2nd round or further in the NCAAs it's tough to assume he can. I can only go on what the roster looks like it'll be the next 2/3 yrs and I like the potential it has. For some to suggest pulling the plug on Fran now (and losing his sons plus who knows who else) would be a pretty big step backwards. And I'd rather see the next few years play out with him then roll the dice on the total unknown

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