Is anyone else sick that Harrison Barnes is not staying in Iowa?

He had a lot of connections with ISU..if he is as good as everyone claims he won't be at NC very long. The correct decision then will be to take the NBA millions

That is the part that bugs me the most. He will be a one and done. The NCAA should change the rule to reflect Football. If you decide to go to college you are there for 3 years.

If you want to go a different route play overseas until you are of age.
This kid is trying to prepare himself for a career in which he has the potential to earn in excess of 100 million dollars. To pick a school based on where he grew up or what team he rooted for growing up would be beyond idiotic. Anyone thinking he should have picked an instate school is beyond idiotic.

If he were the nation’s top mathematician would anyone begrudge him going to MIT? Better yet if you were in his position wouldn’t you go to the place that would be most likely to help you get the training and exposure necessary to maximize your chances of getting what you want?

The simple fact is Roy Williams and the UNC program is in a FAR better position to help this kid achieve his goals. Maybe someday the gap won’t be quite as big but today it is and he made the absolute right choice.
he is a good player, no doubt.

but, i have now seen him 8 times (after McD's game) and have never had the impression that this kid is an NBA Lottery type player.

He will make the league, I would bet. But a top 5 pick?

Yes, he would be a top 5 pick if he was in this year's draft, and he'll be a top 5 pick whenever he comes out. He's not overly dominating to watch, I'll give you that, but he gets the same shots no matter the competition level. He can get to any spot on the floor anytime he wants, he has a very good jumper with good range, he has solid handles and can guard and rebound. He really is a complete player and he already has NBA size, although an extra 20 lbs or so of muscle wouldn't hurt. His game might not wow you, but I think he would be a 20 ppg scorer in the NBA right now.
Let's not get crazy here Mike. Is he a 1st round pick if he could go out this year? Probably. But he wouldn't be hanging 20 per.

Kobe Bryant is arguably the 2nd best basketball player of all time (and very similar in body type) and he averaged under 8ppg his first year and didnt average 20+ until his 4th.
I must be an idiot then. The two best players in the NBA didn't even go to college to develope their games. Lebron and Kobe. Do you think that if these two went to any large university for one year, it would have mattered which one? I sure don't.
Let's not get crazy here Mike. Is he a 1st round pick if he could go out this year? Probably. But he wouldn't be hanging 20 per.

Kobe Bryant is arguably the 2nd best basketball player of all time (and very similar in body type) and he averaged under 8ppg his first year and didnt average 20+ until his 4th.

Probably a first round pick? Who else besides Wall, Turner, Cousins and maybe Johnson would possibly go ahead of him. Kobe played limited minutes on a pretty solid Lakers team as a rookie, but 20 may be a little high, but I think 15 would be very realistic, especially on a team like the Pacers, Nets or Kings.
No. Good for him for leaving. He is too good to stay at any of the Iowa schools.
20 years ago a kid like that may have thought to himself, "I can go and help restore Iowa or Iowa State to prominence".

Nowadays it's more like, "If I play one year for Roy Williams, I'm more likely to be a lottery pick and get an 8-figure signing bonus."

I'd like to blame the kid for taking this attitude, but it's pretty much everyone else in his shoes as well.

But he's not "too good" to stay home, he just doesn't want to give up an extra $5M in signing bonus for playing college ball in a system that won't quite prepare him for the pros as well as UNC might.
sick that he didn't even consider Iowa ... not at where he ended up

that our coaches couldn't even get us in the discussion is beyond forgivable
Yes, he would be a top 5 pick if he was in this year's draft, and he'll be a top 5 pick whenever he comes out. He's not overly dominating to watch, I'll give you that, but he gets the same shots no matter the competition level. He can get to any spot on the floor anytime he wants, he has a very good jumper with good range, he has solid handles and can guard and rebound. He really is a complete player and he already has NBA size, although an extra 20 lbs or so of muscle wouldn't hurt. His game might not wow you, but I think he would be a 20 ppg scorer in the NBA right now.
I'm not trying to hate or anything but last night at the end of the game they tried to get it to him and he didnt get to the spot he needed to be at, at the most crucial time of the game. A year of college will better prepare him to play in the nba than if he were to go straight to the nba. I doubt he averages 20 his first year in the pros. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt average 20 at UNC next year just beause that team is loaded with top prospects.
I guess if I had his talents I would have played at Iowa. I think that if he would have came here then some others would have followed suit. It only takes a few star basketball players to make a team compete for championships & hopefully we will se that here in the next few years. It would have not mattered if he would have went to Coe for a year then off to the NBA, he is going to make big money someday soon. I hope that HB does well at NC, but I hope that NC misses the NCAA tourney in the near future again like this year.
I must be an idiot then. The two best players in the NBA didn't even go to college to develope their games. Lebron and Kobe. Do you think that if these two went to any large university for one year, it would have mattered which one? I sure don't.

I can tell you one thing, when they were considering colleges, Lebron wasn't looking at Akron, and Kobe wasn't sniffing St. Joseph's.

Elite players go to the elite schools. Someone made the anology that the best high school mathmetician will go to MIT instead of staying in state. The situation is pretty much identical. Great talents go to the places which best prepare them for a career. I dare anyone to make a convincing argument that a year at Iowa will better prepare a basketball player for the NBA than a year at UNC. At UNC he will have better coaches, better facilities, other professional level talent on his team, and more preparation for the exposed life of a pro athlete.
I have been a hawkeye fan since birth and I went to basketball camps with Mr. Davis but I can honestly say if I had the same situation as him I would have made a similar choice.
I have been a hawkeye fan since birth and I went to basketball camps with Mr. Davis but I can honestly say if I had the same situation as him I would have made a similar choice.
If i was in his shoes i think i would go to iowa beacuse its been a dream of mine to play in carver or running out on kinnick on a saturday afternoon, then again i dont if i would still make the same decision being the number 1 guy in the country.
I am not a Clone fan, but he showed no class when announced for NC. He wore an ISU shirt all week and invited Clone fans to his news conference. If I was a clone fan I would be ticked. If he did not want to go to ISU fine, but don't rub in there face.
I dont blame him, and im glad he didnt go to ISU. I actually went out and bought a UNC hat only because one of my good friends is a constant hawkeye hater and a Duke lover.
Elite players go to the elite schools. Someone made the anology that the best high school mathmetician will go to MIT instead of staying in state. The situation is pretty much identical.

It's me, it's me... I'm so very happy to have the ghost seal of approval.
I'm just sick of hearing about Harrison Barnes. He's a basketball player not a super hero. I think I'll go crazy if they continue to cover his every bowel movement when he's a Tar Heel. Don't get me wrong. I've seen him play and he's the best high school player I've ever seen in person but it has been ridiculous.
Iowa did not have a shot from Day One of Harrison's freshman year. If he stayed in state, it was going to be in Ames. Iowa State fell off his list in April of 2008 when he blew up in Fayetteville, Arkansas with two dynamite dunks against Team Breakdown from Florida. That Team Breakdown team had Kenny Boyton (current Florida star), and Brandon Knight (another top 10 class of 2010 talent). Roy Williams, Coach K, Billy Donovan, Bill Self, Rick Pitino were just some of the major coaches in the stands at the Arkansas arena (can't remember the name of it...).

He kept ISU on his list as a courtesy, but that is the weekend that Coach Williams and others first made contact with him. There was definitely a buzz in the arena. And it was only partially because Derek Favors was on Court One. The main reason was that "Iowa kid" that just had two sick dunks.
I'm not sick about Harrison leaving. I am really sick of the state of our basketball program though. Hopefully Fran can change that.

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