Is anyone else sick that Harrison Barnes is not staying in Iowa?


New Member
After watching the game last night, it made me sick that he left the state to go to North Carolina. I hope McCaffery can change this cause I'm getting pretty tired of our best talent leaving the state. Does anyone else feel this way?

Go Hawks!
Pretty crazy that Roy Williams has got 4 of Iowa's best players in the last 15 years to come play for him.
No doubt about it, he is a special talent for an Iowa prep. And yes, it is sad that he is leaving...but I will also say that with Barnes a son of an ISU player and an ISU employee, it is hard to be super-upset he is not going to be a hawkeye. If Calipari was coaching Iowa,maybe he could sway him away from Ames,but considering the current state of Iowa was always a longshot. If I was an ISU fan, it would be harder.
But,I agree with the whole Iowa prep exodus deal,altho truthfully,in recent years,who have we lost on outside of JaBo? It has been a drought in Iowa prep bb since the Bru,Horner,Haluska,Jacobsen,Funk year really.
Now, if we lose Paige,Woodbury,Staten and Jok...that will hurt.
I'm not sick about it because if I put myself in his shoes, I would do the same thing. He's setting himself up for the rest of his life and his future. Not that he wouldn't still go to the NBA if he went to Iowa or Iowa State, but he wants a chance to win a National Championship and that would not happen at Iowa or Iowa State.
I am more disappointed that these kids think they need to go to a different school to reach their goals (its not the kids fault - it is the state of our programs fault). If Iowa or ISU had been in the top 20 for the last 4 years I think he would of ended up at one of them.
I can't blame a kid for leaving when he can go somewhere else and be more successful in the long run. Hopefully the trends will change in the future. he would have been a fool to stay in state to play vs. going to UNC IMO.
be an idiot to play in state!

only sport we got right now that our top preps will leave 9 out of 10 times for a diff school!

hopefully fran can turn that around
What makes me sick is that the current state of the program didn't even make us an option.
The long run sure isn't in college. He will be a one or two and done. I really don't think his college choice has much bearing on his future NBA success
HB is a kid the state can be very proud of in every sense. As a Hawkeye I'm happy he's not going to be at ISU to torment us for a couple of years (and I do think he could be in college for more than one year), and I wouldn't have expected him to give Iowa a serious look given our situation. I'm just sorry he made such a horrible decision to attend UNC rather than Duke. ;) (Actually for campus, young ladies, and almost everything associated with going to college, it's very hard to beat UNC.)
If he has NO personal attachment the state universities and he doesn't feel he'd become homesick, why would he stay here?? He has a chance to go somewhere storied and proud with a chance to really get paid afterward. He made the correct decision.

Why would he want to go here just because he lives here? Envision this scenario:

Someone gives you a limitless credit card that you can use anywhere in the entire state, but the catch is that you can only use it in one city, ever. The natural choice is to use it someplace like West Des Moines, Cedar Rapids or Davenport, where you can get the most bang for your buck. Those of you who assert HB should have gone to an Iowa school is like asserting the card should be used in Humbolt, Eagle Grove, Atlantic or Lone Tree.

Geography doesn't equal loyalty!
He had a lot of connections with ISU..if he is as good as everyone claims he won't be at NC very long. The correct decision then will be to take the NBA millions
He's the most high profile recruit in the history of the state. Would have been tough to keep him even if program was where it was in lute years.

The world is too small now; it will be harder to keep elite players home
HB is a kid the state can be very proud of in every sense. As a Hawkeye I'm happy he's not going to be at ISU to torment us for a couple of years (and I do think he could be in college for more than one year), and I wouldn't have expected him to give Iowa a serious look given our situation. I'm just sorry he made such a horrible decision to attend UNC rather than Duke. ;) (Actually for campus, young ladies, and almost everything associated with going to college, it's very hard to beat UNC.)
If i were going somewhere for this reason i think id rather go to UCLA i have never been to UNC's campus but i have been to UCLA's and it is a very nice campus with nice looking ladies.
he is a good player, no doubt.

but, i have now seen him 8 times (after McD's game) and have never had the impression that this kid is an NBA Lottery type player.

He will make the league, I would bet. But a top 5 pick?
he is a good player, no doubt.

but, i have now seen him 8 times (after McD's game) and have never had the impression that this kid is an NBA Lottery type player.

He will make the league, I would bet. But a top 5 pick?

He was POtG in the McD game. How is that anything but a lottery pick? He has all the physical tools that all of the others have plus intangibles that others are lacking such as an IQ that is off the charts (compared to what you would expect from an NBA player [yes I am sterotyping]) and unselfishness.
he is a good player, no doubt.

but, i have now seen him 8 times (after McD's game) and have never had the impression that this kid is an NBA Lottery type player.

He will make the league, I would bet. But a top 5 pick?

It will be interesting to see what he looks like next year. He is such an unselfish player it's hard to get a good read on him. In Iowa high school bball he is playing such inferior competion it's hard to get a good read on his full skill set. There were games he did not even play the whole game and I am sure if he wanted to completely dominate he could. He palyed with other good players around him too so it's not like he had to worry about taking over.

I think based on his current length, ability to dribble, and shoot from the outside he is setting himself up to be a very high pick. It's hard to judge what foreign players are out there but look at college bball next year and try to find a player with as much upside as 6'8 kid with his skill set. I am sure if he fills out and improve a bit more NBA owners are going to be drooling over the kid. He might be a top 5 pick. I think we may get to see more of his game next year playing with and against better players. Just like I think getting out of college and moving to the NBA will even show more of his game.

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