Iowa's Attrition: This Isn't Great News

I have been a strong KF supporter, even through the last couple of years when the criticism has erupted on the message boards and probably across the fan base. I still think much of the negative stuff leveled at KF is based largely on a lack of good common sense and an even larger lack of football knowledge.

The "fire everybody" nonsense is a simplistic and ineffective answer, imho, to a complex problem.

Say what you will about Gary Barta; in fact, I think he has been a highly successful AD for Iowa.

I am not going to list the arguments in favor/against Barta or KF because they will be rejected out of hand, or defended, depending on minds already made up; arguing about pros and cons has been done, ad nauseum. I will leave it at that and state that I recognize that we are all entitled to our opinions and have a right to state them.

Which brings me to this: KF's job is in serious trouble. I firmly believe that Barta has essentially stated that fact publicly, and if you have not recognized that fact, you don't read between the lines very well. I think it is right that KF's job is on the line, dependent on the 2015 season results, in terms of wins and losses.

He will be required to win, minimally, 3 or the first 4 games. One of the wins better be ISU. He had better win the games in the BT against Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana, and Purdue. That is seven wins he better get. Minnesota and Maryland are at Kinnick and should definitely be wins. That is nine. Wins at WI and NEBR would be very tough, but a split would not be an unreasonable expectation. He could survive an additional loss along the way, but had better have no more than 3 or at most 4 losses and better not lose more than one game in Kinnick this season.

With 9+ wins, he will get another year, minimum. With 8 wins he MAY get another year, IF, he can come up with a bowl win. With fewer than 8, he will be allowed to retire with dignity, including a pretty substantial payout (justified among his critics, or not, this would be the reality). With 7 wins, or maybe even with 8, KF is gone and Barta will be the one to pull the trigger. I believe it is naive to think that Barta will blindly protect him.

I will save this post and stand by it with apologies as necessary. I do NOT intend any disrespect to posters who feel differently. I am hopeful that I will receive the same consideration. Sorry for the long post, but wanted to share my thoughts.

A well reasoned post. How refreshing ! I suppose barta was doing the calculus long ago about the compression of diminishing ticket sales and the annual buy out reduction.

What I think will happen - Loss to Minnesota - they're going to be pretty sound - hard to beat, like Iowa used to be. I just don't anticipate much of a delta in the team's performance anytime soon.
Couple the insane amount of attrition with the fact that Ferentz refuses to recruit JUCOs, and you are looking at a much heavier number of freshmen and sophs on teams than normal. Not exactly a recipe for success in college football.
Couple the insane amount of attrition with the fact that Ferentz refuses to recruit JUCOs, and you are looking at a much heavier number of freshmen and sophs on teams than normal. Not exactly a recipe for success in college football.

We could be entering a "Lickliter-like" period for IOWA football. How a guy can pizz away that much success equity so quickly is beyond me.
Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with a lot of young men these days. Back it my time it seemed liked dedication was a virtue that many more young men had. I hope we can get back to the way things were in society.


The table on the left seems to be discouraged by every institution & celebrity in modern society

The table on the right seems to be encouraged by every institution & celebrity in modern society
I can understand Ferentz's commitment rule. You don't want some 4-star kid dropping you at the last minute and then you're stuck in losing out on 3-stars you could have been recruiting. But Ferentz's offense has been fairly successful at plug-and-play RBs that can plant a foot and cut-upfield. Of course, it probably works better with a 4-star

but...since he states his philosophy is developmental, then why not take a chance on a 4-star dropping out when you can always recruit a couple of 3-stars to develop.
Really, can't you look at any college football program and see losing 7-8 players a year. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't seem too alarming and probably pretty average for a team.

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