Iowa vs Wisconsin **OFFICIAL** game thread

Let me add that Gatens is being abused on the offensive end as well. He is being held, hacked, tripped and they still can't be stopped him
If there is any player who deserves this kind of stretch it's Matt Gatens. He's morphing into one of my favorite Hawks ever these last two games.
If there is any player who deserves this kind of stretch it's Matt Gatens. He's morphing into one of my favorite Hawks ever these last two games.
The last two games are not the only reason he is one of my favorite Hawkeyes
I missed that foul?????? I agree Gatens is getting murdered. Makes it all the more sweeter. Slime Time is also in full affect.
close call on fouls i can live with but when it is a clear foul, there is no excuse, and if I recall one of the ref's is the same one that called 3 T's on Iowa in the UNI game