Iowa vs. UI game thread

What do ya know, overreactions in here. It's the first B1G game against the top team in the conference, a top team in the nation. There's going to be some anxiety among the freshman. Don't blow this out of proportion, it's a long way until March and when haven't we seen improvement under Fran? I'd say our D has played pretty well minus the obvious drive to the hoop. Our offense plays better this second half, we will be talking a win. Woody has been excellent on D, better than I expected. Let's hope we can find a 3 point shot in the second half.
Woody moves like a gazelle in the African plains.... With a 4 lions chewing on his kneecaps.

Woody moves extremely well for a 7 footer. To think otherwise makes me wonder how much basketball you have watched over the years??? If you want to think of a 7 footer who didn't move up and down the court very well, Big Country from Okie State comes to mind from a few years back.
Woody is the slowest on the court. Not hard to see. Sorry about truth. he's learning to play within himself which is good, but it is a matchup problem. On a zone or 1x1, you can't just guard your guy. You have to move.

No **** *******. The biggest guy on the court is usually the slowest. Woody is not the reason we are struggling, if he was he wouldn't have gotten so many minutes in the first half. Did you watch the Indiana games last year? We're actually holding our own on the boards this year and Woody is a huge reason why.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in that locker room. A$$es will be chewed.
Which locker room? Indiana shot 38%..only attempted 2 free throws...had 8 turnovers and committed 9 fouls. I'd bet both locker rooms are not pleasant at half time.
The good news is that Iowa is not playing that well. The bad news is that neither is Indiana. It's been a game on runs on both ends.
Marble has got to make some shots.....he is absolutely not ready for the next level after watching a half of bball like we just saw. Oladipo makes Marble look so slow and even uncoordinated. Marble needs to stay aggressive and keep getting to the line.

White, Basabe and Woodbury have been solid...the rest left a lot out there.
We miss Gator


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