Iowa vs Nebraska

I'm not sure what KirFer would've had to explain if they had won. Please provide the deets.
Also, does he have to explain the same for all wins?
And about Nebby trying to give the game away... You could've said the same about Iowa.
But I would say both teams were trying to win.

Ghost Alt or wanna be?
Iowa hasn't been competitive so far, but that doesn't mean the game is in jeopardy. My fear is that we become like Iowa State. We call it a rivalry, but lose every year and then Nebraska fans put a automatic W on that date every August.
Many of them already have. Quite a few assume the new division will usually come down to themselves, Wisconsin, and Northwestern every once in a while.
Mr Vogs. You should know by now that this is what I think and its not me trolling. Trolling is different(see what ghost used to do. He went into every thread to say the opposite. He didnt show one view and stick with it.)

The Iowa vs Neb game last year shows either kf knows almost nothing about coaching on game day(less than I think he does at least) or he was only gonna win if he had to. See how many plays he ran in the last 2 mins. Thats not conservative thats crazy. Now Im not saying he threw the game that is also different.

Also im fine with your sig. Losing every game and what was done last year is not a big difference.

To suggest that a D1 head coach "was only gonna win if he had to" is just insane. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you were trolling.....because if you weren't trolling, then if means you are completely and totally deranged when it come to looking at anything KF does as a coach.
To suggest that a D1 head coach "was only gonna win if he had to" is just insane. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you were trolling.....because if you weren't trolling, then if means you are completely and totally deranged when it come to looking at anything KF does as a coach.

Look at the last 2 mins of the game and he either has to not understand football or was only gonna win if it was handed to him.
"A 13-7 game is competitive.....the game in Lincoln, not so much."

I think the weather and Nebraska playing down to Iowa's level while Iowa played up was a factor. Nebraska went on a downward slide at the end of the season.
Look at the last 2 mins of the game and he either has to not understand football or was only gonna win if it was handed to him.

Keep talking please... the continued dialogue shows everyone just how desperately you are trying to make sense of something that isn't explainable. I'm not going to call you an idiot, but I will say that this argument isn't making you seem like the board's brightest individual.

There's a difference between playing conservatively, and trying to lose. You're attempting to make an argument that KF was trying to lose because if he won he would have had some explaining to do lol. Seriously? Even coming from you that's insane. Because of Kirk's conservative nature, I think every Hawk fan knows there have been plenty of times where we ask ourselves "Are we playing to win the game?" However, suggesting that Kirk intentionally lost that game or any other is absolutely ludicrous.
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Keep talking please... the continued dialogue shows everyone just how desperately you are trying to make sense of something that isn't explainable. I'm not going to call you an idiot, but I will say that this argument isn't making you seem like the boards brightest individual.

There's a difference between playing conservatively, and trying to lose. You're attempting to make an argument that KF was trying to lose because if he won he would have had some explaining to do lol. Seriously? Even coming from you that's insane. Because of Kirk's conservative nature, I think every Hawk fan knows there have been plenty of time where we ask ourselves "Are we playing to win the game?" However, suggesting that Kirk intentionally lost that game or any other is absolutely ludicrous.

I agree that KF would never intentionally try to lose the game although I really wish that would be the case because otherwise the truth is that he is such a bad in-game coach that fans of other programs honestly question if he is actually trying to win the game. I'd rather Ferentz be stubborn as hell than just incompetent.
When you look at how many points the Nebraska d allowed in their next 2 games both on a neutral field it's downright sad that we could only muster 7 points at home on Senior Day.
The argument that KF would lose a game on purpose, assuming for a minute that it was a serious statement, makes this not only the dumbest post of the day, but of the week, the month and 2013. Congrats!
By the way OUT OF YOUR MIND HAWK, you have decided how to define trolling, based on what, I do not know... as I visit different message boards, a troll seems to be a poster who makes crazy, negative posts consistently, with no attention to anything but trying to p... people off. Or, a poster who consistently fabricates stories about a player, a coach, an AD, etc. Or, someone who writes about a subject, like football, and maintains the same story line only reinforcing the conclusion that s/he does not know anything about the sport. So, King of Hyperbole, congrats on being a troll.
By the way OUT OF YOUR MIND HAWK, you have decided how to define trolling, based on what, I do not know... as I visit different message boards, a troll seems to be a poster who makes crazy, negative posts consistently, with no attention to anything but trying to p... people off. Or, a poster who consistently fabricates stories about a player, a coach, an AD, etc. Or, someone who writes about a subject, like football, and maintains the same story line only reinforcing the conclusion that s/he does not know anything about the sport. So, King of Hyperbole, congrats on being a troll.

I have to agree that OOTH trolls at times, and did so in his original (I think) post in this thread. I don't know if it's fair to say that he is a troll though (in that I'm not sure that he does this alot - I don't pay attention enough to know). That said, it may well be that his point of view on the team/coach will become mainstream in the next year. And I agree with him on that Nebraska game. god I was sooo ****** after that game. I so want to be competitive with those jerks and it seems we will be relagated to a 20% winning percentage against them at best.
I know some of you will not read this post and think about it you will just post the same thing you do whenever I post. Thats fine you can call me names or a troll....


There is a difference between playing conservative to get to overtime and play like they did at the end of the Neb game.

There is a difference between intentionally throwing a game and only winning if you have to.

When you run 3 plays in the last 1:50 you are not trying to win(at least you are giving it all youve got).

Its funny how some of you can look at other schools and make fun of all these other coaches, its funny how the college football world makes fun of Kirk on gameday and who he loses to, but you cant see that in the coach for your favorite team.

So which is it? Does KF really understand that little about football or was he only gonna win if he had to?

I have said this all along KF only wants to win if its in his conservative way. If that wasnt the case he would change with the rest of the football world. He doesnt want to change. If it works good if it doesnt fine but thats the way KF is going to play.

You can't use a thread started immediately after a game to make a point. People are overly emotional after tough losses. It takes time before a diehard fan can look back and keep things in perspective.

Answer this question....

Do you seriously think any D1 NCAA football coach ever intentionally tries to lose a game? Kirk Ferentz included. Your responses are over the top in emotion, and because of that they often lack common sense. Stop and think for a second before you hit the submit button.
You can't use a thread started immediately after a game to make a point. People are overly emotional after tough losses. It takes time before a diehard fan can look back and keep things in perspective.

Answer this question....

Do you seriously think any D1 NCAA football coach ever intentionally tries to lose a game? Kirk Ferentz included. Your responses are over the top in emotion, and because of that they often lack common sense. Stop and think for a second before you hit the submit button.

You should read my post before you post.

I said he didnt want to win. Not try to lose.

I said he was only gonna win if he had to. Meaning he was going to run 3 plays in the last 2 min not run a 2 min drill like the rest of college football would have.

I said he only wants to win if it fits his conservative game plan. KF does not care to change with the rest of football.

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