Iowa vs Minny Game Thread

I dont even enjoy watching them play anymore. There is no fire or emotion from players or coaches. They have become complacent. If the players and coaches are content with always being an above average program then keep doing what you're doing. But we have too much talent on the field to play with this lack of heart.
I think the team looks like it gave up after the Wisconsin game, with the exception of MSU. They seriously don't look like they give a crap on either side of the ball... the really don't. Body language says a lot. Don't tell me this team is motivated right now because they aren't. I don't understand the MSU game, i really don't. That's what this team SHOULD be but it's been the fluke of the 2nd half. Other than that game, this team has looked downright unmotivated and VERY pedestrian.
Iowa hasn't scored more than 18 points in a game in the past three games. Iowa will lose today and it will be ugly. Unless KF fires our OC and changes our offense and defense schemes for next year, all of us will be complaining about the same issues that we have seem in the past 7 seasons.
Pretty sad we are allowing Minnesota to look like a Big 10 contender today. For those of you who thought all we had to do was show up to beat Minnesota have obviously not been paying attention to the mental makeup of this team. We should have lost to Indiana. We got beat by an okay Northwestern team and then lost against OSU. This is definitely not the same Iowa team that beat MSU. Injuries are a part of the game. This is a full coaching and team effort -- not just because of the loss of a few guys here and there.

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