Iowa vs. Idaho St. Coverage

This is the way I see it: The games used to be on t.v. - now they are on streaming half the time. Streaming used to be free - now it's not. What's next? Higher prices and/or MORE games being streamed instead of televised?

Not to mention, the games that have been streamed this year, that people pay good money for, I have seen people post on here that their stream stopped working mid-game, or didn't work at all. And you are paying for nothing.

It's not the couple bucks that it costs that bothers me - it's the whole principle of the matter.

Everyone in this society has got your hand in your pocket, and they always want more. Gas prices are rising. Insurance (all types) prices are rising. Cable/Satellite prices are rising (every year). Grocery prices are rising. My salary.. Stays the same. No pay raises.

I might sound like a cheapskate old geezer here, but it's true - as time goes by, you pay more for less product everywhere you look. Enough is enough.

4 games will be streamed this year on Big10 network site.....far cry from half the games. Subtract out the paradise jam games (no TV control over them) and you have 23 of 27 games on BigTen Network in HD! That is 85% of the games, and you get them in High Def anywhere in the US! So ok, you sacrifice 4 stinking games to be put online to get a nationwide broadcast. That is a very good tradeoff if you ask me....

All your other points on increased price, for less product etc. are spot on though!!!
My only gripe is that they have this network in HD that is available coast to coast, yet the B10 doesn't tile their games! We could have an 11-1-3-5-7 game times and have basketball all day!!! But nope... they have 3 or 4 at one time. They also do this with football. How freaking cool would it be to have the B10 Newtwork allow the opportunity to view many live football games each Saturday which I thought the intentions of this network would be? To schedule one late Saturday game every weekend. Instead we get Minnesota vs Penn State in women volleyball??? OR how about the soccer championship??? These games have a place... they are called taped delayed for Sunday during NFL games.
Either cover all of the Big Ten games as a network or let the teams get local coverage. Either you are a network or you aren't a network.

This is ridiculous. EPIC Fail by the Big Ten Network
Either cover all of the Big Ten games as a network or let the teams get local coverage. Either you are a network or you aren't a network.

This is ridiculous. EPIC Fail by the Big Ten Network

Have you seen the quality of the ISU and UNI games? I'd rather miss the no name games and have the rest in full hd.
This team is woefully awful in the second half this season. It is one thing to lose an 18 point lead to Wake Forest on the road but if they lose a 23 point lead to Idaho State at HOME that is unacceptable.

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