Iowa State fans are classless

Not surprising, I know.

I always enjoy browsing Cyclownfanatic after a major program loss to get some laughs from their meltdowns and caught the low lives making a mockery of Baer's appearance.

Never thought they would attack a 20 year old kid for his looks and invoking children with disabilities in the process.

I've participated on this board under a variety of usernames since it was created (that I have lost due to password problems/email problems) and seen some pretty harsh insults flung around. But I have never seen anyone on this board resort to something like that after a loss. Especially against a kid that has done absolutely nothing wrong to them.

"Nick Baer looks like he rode the small bus to school growing up. His shoes are probably labeled "left" and "right". And maybe even "front" and "back""

"Dude watching the game next to me at a bar (not a fan of either team and we're pretty damn far from Iowa) made the comment that Baer would be 3" taller if he ever learns how to stand up straight. Sadly was one of the most enjoyable things I heard/saw during the game."

And more.

Pathetic bottom-feeding losers.

I would have responded to that poster with: "So, you're from Bettendorf? Do you remember the name of the kid you used to ride the bus with that reminds you of Nick?"
If I were an Iowa State fan I would not feel too badly. In fact, I would only think positive thoughts. I would look at it this way: In football we lost to the Hawkeyes by 39, in women's basketball we lost to the Hawkeyes by 14, and in men's basketball we lost to the Hawkeyes by only 12. This positively indicates WE'RE GETTING CLOSER EVERY GAME!
Actually, the women lost by 12 & the men lost by 14.
If I were an Iowa State fan I would not feel too badly. In fact, I would only think positive thoughts. I would look at it this way: In football we lost to the Hawkeyes by 39, in women's basketball we lost to the Hawkeyes by 14, and in men's basketball we lost to the Hawkeyes by only 12. This positively indicates WE'RE GETTING CLOSER EVERY GAME!

wrestlers won last night, 26-9. That was with two all-americans sitting out the meet.
I think he looks like a smart dude. All I can say is that those making those comments are probably nerds in the basement on a message board or wasting away in a bar while Baer's playing Division I basketball.

drop mic.

Whether or not he LOOKS smart or not is irrelevant. In high school, he was a member of the National Honor Society. That speaks volumes to whether or not he IS smart.
Well think of the self-delusion one must engage in to rationalize being a fan of an athletic department which crushes one in the nuts on a regular basis. If you weren't stupid before, you'd become stupid after a while.

Welp, look at the Cubs. It was 108 years between World Series wins. I'd call that "crushing one in the nuts on a regular basis", and they still have a boatload of fans.
Nicholas looks like a Student who is an athlete. He is obviously intelligent off and on the floor. Actually the nasty criticism of Baer is a sign of deep frustration and actually are compliments. His play on the floor Thursday Night was very good. He was literally on the ball all night. Excellent D and fearless offensive rebounding. The rebounding prowess undoubtedly irritated the clone defenders. There was one time period in the middle of the first half where Nick was everywhere harassing the clones.....

Bottom line: Baer's play speaks for itself. One of the best defenders on the team. Very intelligent player who has court savvy and knows the angles. Witness the offensive rebounds in traffic. He certainly was as determined as the rest of the Hawks, demonstrated by his very nice steals and breaks for the bucket.....

clone fans dine on crow while Hawk Fans feast on wonderful memories of another Hawkeye Curbstomping.....
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Whether or not he LOOKS smart or not is irrelevant. In high school, he was a member of the National Honor Society. That speaks volumes to whether or not he IS smart.

I guess I don't understand your point. Without knowing is HS academic record, I just have the OPINION from looking at him and the way he plays and understands the game, he looks like a smart guy. Congrats to him on being a member of the NHS.

I guess I'm smarter than I look. Call me Nostradamus, I guess!
I guess I don't understand your point. Without knowing is HS academic record, I just have the OPINION from looking at him and the way he plays and understands the game, he looks like a smart guy. Congrats to him on being a member of the NHS.

I guess I'm smarter than I look. Call me Nostradamus, I guess!

To be in National Honor Society, the first requirement is to have a really good grade point average. So if he was a member of NHS in high school, he is smart. He must have been popular also; he was his senior class president at Bettendorf.
In fairness, he is pretty goofy looking

There is nothing wrong with Nicholas Baer's looks - nothing. Apparently, CyClown Fanatic has a ton of Brad Pitt look-a-likes to be able to demean another person's looks without holding up a mirror. Apparently, a few over here, too. I have no time for that kind of hurtful crap...Does anyone remember the "Carfino - you're ugly!!" chants from the classy UCLA student section at a game against UCLA in the early 80's? It was despicable.
ISU fans are OBSESSED with players' appearances. Also, I just realized they start 5 seniors... the trajectory of the two programs has to be depressing as hell for them.
You realize there are Hawk sites that make fun of the opponents looks before every football game right?

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