The problem with the "youngest team in the nation" excuse, especially when used so emphatically and so often like Fleck did, is that it's an excuse with a hard expiration date. He beat it to death any time someone criticized his coaching, and now he's got nothing else to explain his shortcomings. Not only that, but he's going to get retroactively called out for using a bullshit excuse all of last year.
The guy just needs to shut his fucking mouth, quit waving his hands, and stop all the vague, proverbial psychobabble that sounds like it came from some low-rent leadership conference. He's probably not a bad coach, but his mouth just makes him look like an idiot.
As in the business world, all the development/empowerment/small-quick-wins/baby steps/slogany bullshit is fine when you're successful, but when your results translate into loser city, it weeds out the hacks.