Iowa responds to SI story


Per this release

The University of Iowa does not have access to the detail behind the survey that examined the 2010 pre-season top 25 college football programs. However, the UI does know that a total number of 18 student-athletes who were on the 2010 team roster have, in fact, been charged with offenses since 2007.
*All 18 charges were misdemeanors.* Of these charges:
·******* 15 were alcohol related;
·******* Two were for possession of a controlled substance;
·******* One was for misdemeanor assault, and the student-athlete plead guilty to a charge*of disorderly conduct.*
Underage consumption of alcohol and extreme consumption of alcohol have been issues for The University of Iowa and Iowa City community for several years. Staff of the UI and the City of Iowa City have and currently are collaborating on a number of efforts to address these concerns.
The University of Iowa currently does not do criminal background checks of student-athletes it is recruiting for participation in its intercollegiate athletics program. UI coaches do routinely have extensive conversation with parents, high school coaches, and other individuals important in the lives of student-athletes they are recruiting.
*The following comment is from Gary Barta, director of athletics at the University of Iowa:
*“I learned about the SI story this morning.* Our total number of incidents match that in the story, however, the detail shows that all 18 of our incidents were misdemeanors and that the vast majority were related to poor decision-making associated with alcohol. And, as many in Iowa know, this has been an ongoing concern for all students on our campus and in our community.
*“Each incident involving a student-athlete is taken seriously and handled according to our student-athlete code of conduct.* Some football student-athletes who have had an incident while a participant in our program have successfully graduated, others are still with us, and others are no longer a part of the program.
*“I am very confident in Kirk’s approach to recruiting. I know he and his staff go to great lengths in trying to assess character when deciding whether to invite a young man to the UI. Like the vast majority of our peers, we don’t do official criminal background checks.
“Recruiting quality student-athletes in all sports is of the utmost importance to me and our coaches. I am anxious and open to discussions with my peers in the state and in the Big Ten Conference and beyond on whether criminal background checks need to become a regular piece of our recruiting process.
*“Lastly, I continue to be impressed and pleased with the work of the overwhelming majority of our football student-athletes in their athletics competition, in the classroom, and as representatives of the University of Iowa on a daily basis.â€￾
The following comment is from Kirk Ferentz, head football coach at the University of Iowa:
*“For 12 years we have dealt promptly, firmly, consistently, and within the student-athlete code of conduct when we have incidents involving members of our football program.* My staff and I will continue to work to ensure our student-athletes are successful as a student, as an athlete, and as a citizen of the Iowa City community.â€￾
I like this..... We are finally trying to get out in front of these potential PR nightmares.

Good job Barta, Ferentz & staff....
Wow, what a sensationalized piece of hack journalism by SI. Considering 105 (38 percent) of the "crimes" were drug and alcohol related this line from the Ty Duffy response sums it up pretty well:

Every school is going to have kids who get drunk and do stupid things. That’s different than actively recruiting a criminal element.
That story was completely over sensationalized. They would drop the "possession of cocaine with intent to deliver" in places to insinuate that that was a common charge when I bet it was actually charged very few times. From a shear numbers standpoint, it was probably pretty accurate but all charges are not equal and that is something that they failed to address. They also don't look on a case by case basis and explain circumstances.
like I have always said, a crime is a crime. An 18 yr old drinking in a bar and peeing in bushes is still a crime. Now add being 6'5", 250 lbs........yeah, the cops are going to notice you.
Why are they even acknowleding this stupid story? I think they would have been better off not sending out that desperate release.
Why are they even acknowleding this stupid story? I think they would have been better off not sending out that desperate release.

yep. Why respond at all? It probably would have died by tomorrow or the next day. A press release is blood in the water. Why give the press a reason to air Iowa's dirty laundry again?
Yep, so everything is cool here. Go away. Nothing to see here... again.

We have the 2nd most criminals of any team in the country. We put 13 in the hospital this winter, and our coach and AD didn't even find it important enough to fly back to IC, but nothing going on here.

Oh, and by the way, after all of this, in addition to underperforming on the football field last year... we're going to raise ticket prices again!

You have to admit... that takes some serious stones to do that!
It was a considerable bit of lazy "journalism" for something that took 6 months to complete.

Ha-Ha, 6 months. Why don't they do stories on all the time Iowa players spent at the childrens hospital. I didn't read the story nor do I plan on reading it now.
Yep, so everything is cool here. Go away. Nothing to see here... again.

We have the 2nd most criminals of any team in the country. We put 13 in the hospital this winter, and our coach and AD didn't even find it important enough to fly back to IC, but nothing going on here.

Oh, and by the way, after all of this, in addition to underperforming on the football field last year... we're going to raise ticket prices again!

You have to admit... that takes some serious stones to do that!

What do you mean by 'we'?
Yep, so everything is cool here. Go away. Nothing to see here... again.

We have the 2nd most criminals of any team in the country. We put 13 in the hospital this winter, and our coach and AD didn't even find it important enough to fly back to IC, but nothing going on here.

Oh, and by the way, after all of this, in addition to underperforming on the football field last year... we're going to raise ticket prices again!

You have to admit... that takes some serious stones to do that!

I hope you took your towel/sock with you.
Yep, so everything is cool here. Go away. Nothing to see here... again.

We have the 2nd most criminals of any team in the country. We put 13 in the hospital this winter, and our coach and AD didn't even find it important enough to fly back to IC, but nothing going on here.

Oh, and by the way, after all of this, in addition to underperforming on the football field last year... we're going to raise ticket prices again!

You have to admit... that takes some serious stones to do that!

You know what's even more interesting... we considered this a down year (in the end) and still managed to finish higher than what the clones would consider a good season. Bet we still have more fans in the stands then ISU... with the raise in price!
Yep, so everything is cool here. Go away. Nothing to see here... again.

We have the 2nd most criminals of any team in the country. We put 13 in the hospital this winter, and our coach and AD didn't even find it important enough to fly back to IC, but nothing going on here.

Oh, and by the way, after all of this, in addition to underperforming on the football field last year... we're going to raise ticket prices again!

You have to admit... that takes some serious stones to do that!

Yeah, those guys with a PAULA citation are real, hard-core "criminals", aren't they?

Keep singing the Clown company line to bash the Hawks at every opportunity, while ignoring your own pathetic, losing program.

As for attendance, try getting some of your own fans to show up in your high school quality stadium for a change...especially on a non-Iowa game day. We'll keep bringing 70k+ to Kinnick 7 Saturdays a year even with a $2/ticket price increase (oh, the horrror?) while playing in meaningful games, and you can celebrate a Thursday night victory against Podunk U, along with a 1-7 Big 12 record.

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