Iowa ranks last when it comes to Big Ten sports in 2012-13

An awful lot of football and basketball programs wouldn't be able to give out scholarships, if that's the approach you want to take. In 2010, only 68 FBS football programs turned any profit, and the numbers for basketball were pretty similar.

NCAA report: Economy cuts into college athletics - ESPN

Sweet then Iowa football would get more recruits with less schollies available. Im for that then. Season tickets and sellouts would allow Iowa to always have schollies when other schools dont. Take that CMU,NW,MN,WM, and other schools who dont have the following the Hawks do.
How about if we left football totally out of the title IX equation. Would everybody be happy then? Because of the # of bodies football takes it screws up everything.

Because of TM I am going to start watching the WNBA..........I am lying I just thought this thread needed needed some lame humor.:)
Wow guys....this thread has brought out the a$$hole in most of you! Except for Tork, whose college education has seemed to pay of in more rational thoughts. Maybe none of you have daughters? And maybe if you do you don't want them to be athletes past middle school, huh? Bring daddy another ham sammy would you?

Surprised its still here as it has turned political. Sounds like a lot of butt hurt white guys.

You rock Tork.

Far from butt hurt white dudes, even though I think they are missing the point with the civil rights comparison and i lean toward TM in this debate, their counterpoints are valid. They do not need to have daughters to understand this debate or feel the way that they do.
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Should sports always be about the money?

How can money NOT be part of the debate? It takes money to run these programs, and a decision has to be made as to who pays for it.....the team itself (sports that revenue equals its cost) or the citizens of the state that the university is in (paying for programs that cost more then they take in for revenues)

We don't live in a vacuum, and the only other option is the club sports route, where the team raises its own money. I am all for all sports being self funded at the collegiate level. Lets face it, this isn't high school, so only a select few are "chosen" to participate. Is it really fair to force others (especially the poor) to pay for some schools athletic department? I don't think so myself, and this goes for men's and women's sports.
How about if we left football totally out of the title IX equation. Would everybody be happy then? Because of the # of bodies football takes it screws up everything.

Because of TM I am going to start watching the WNBA..........I am lying I just thought this thread needed needed some lame humor.:)

I'm sure Tork is a huge fan of the WNBA. But 99% of the people see it for what it is, really crappy basketball, which is why the league has had to be subsidized by the NBA for almost its entire existence. Yet I'm sure some people will think that because I don't watch the WNBA that makes me a sexist ******* and that women deserve the right to be paid to play pro basketball even when there is no market for it.
I'm sure Tork is a huge fan of the WNBA. But 99% of the people see it for what it is, really crappy basketball, which is why the league has had to be subsidized by the NBA for almost its entire existence. Yet I'm sure some people will think that because I don't watch the WNBA that makes me a sexist ******* and that women deserve the right to be paid to play pro basketball even when there is no market for it.

I don't watch the WNBA. I've always been far too busy working, playing or coaching baseball, and then going through two-a-days to watch them. And if the WNBA folded, that'd fine, IMO; that's a professional enterprise, where money really is everything. But college sports are a little different, IMO; they lie somewhere between professional and totally amateur, like high school sports are. And I do watch a fair amount of women's basketball at the college level, even outside of Iowa.

If colleges didn't have to offer women's sports, many of them wouldn't. Without Title IX, I think we'd see a decline in women's sports at the high school level, too. Maybe not in Iowa, but I'd almost guarantee that a lot of high schools in the south would shut down women's sports to shovel more money into football. There's a ripple effect that has to be considered.

Women's sports lose money, I get that. But as one of the articles I posted earlier mentioned, so do almost half of the football and basketball programs out there. The loss of money has got a lot more to do with the football/basketball arms race than anything else.

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