IOWA-Purdue bites the big one game thread.

Here's a new concept. How about stopping them on 3rd and long instead of giving them an uncontested catch??? Call me crazy, but it just seems to me like that might be a better way to go
Iowa isn't playing bad! Seriously it's easy to yap on couch. Come to Kinnick and sit in the stadium and watch the game and then let's talk about the performance!!!!!

The talk on this board is hilarious!!!
So if the weather is so bad and it's the reason for the poor play why such a difference in the 2nd and 3rd quarters versus the 1st and 4th.
The main thing that corns me is how we can't see to get pressure even when we blitz.

This team would really be good if they had a stud DL or two who could pressure the QB. The last few games it has just been too easy for opponent QBs. The way Iowa plays D, they have to be able to get pressure.

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