IOWA-Purdue bites the big one game thread.

Hats off to the die hard Hawk fans for showing up today! Hats off to the HAWKS for being 11-0! On to fusker land!
You were saying?

Hawk fans love to complain, even in the face of a record undefeated season.

I aint complainin ... just observing. The D has not been good against 2 bad teams in a row. When they actually face a decent QB like Cook or a great offense like OhSt, they are gonna lose games by putting the offense in too deep of a hole. It's not out of the question next week. Armstrong is capable of shredding them but, hopefully, King steps up and gets a couple.
Mabin just isn't good.

Maybin is terrible. If I had hours to watch game film I will bet Mabin has given up half of our opponents offense this year. I said it before, If I am scouting Iowa, throw towards Mabin. Or run towards Mabin. He can' t make a tackle and can't cover his a$$.
So if the weather is so bad and it's the reason for the poor play why such a difference in the 2nd and 3rd quarters versus the 1st and 4th.

You being for real?? lol

Iowa was going into the wind the 2nd and 3rd and had the wind in the 1st and 4th.

Iowa scored 27 of its 40 points in the 1st and 4th.
Purdue scored 13 of its 20 in the 2nd and 3rd.

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