Iowa Players Get Off Twitter

Years ago, weather was stormy, and I was watching the Weather Channel and one of their personalities was going on and on about sending "tweets". I didn't have a clue what she was talking about, but all I could think of was "I thought I taw a puddy cat......"

I pretty much still don't have a clue about twitter, and I am kinda happy about that. I am glad I am old sometimes.
Years ago, weather was stormy, and I was watching the Weather Channel and one of their personalities was going on and on about sending "tweets". I didn't have a clue what she was talking about, but all I could think of was "I thought I taw a puddy cat......"

I pretty much still don't have a clue about twitter, and I am kinda happy about that. I am glad I am old sometimes.
You're not alone. I've heard that only about 20% of the country has a twitter account and of those about 25% use it with any regularity. Or some numbers like that. it's dwarfed by facebook

I only have twitter to follow iowa baseball.
What happens if we lose to Illinois in the B10 tourney? Do they get off Facebook? Then Instagram? Pretty soon all you will be able to find is Garza in bunny ears on Snapchat. was one thing for 18-20 year olds to have people screaming at them at games, then having to read the newspaper columnists taking shots at them for failures or what have you back in my day. In today's world, every moron with a phone or computer gets his shot. If I was playing...I wouldn't be on Twitter or anything. Let the morons talk among themselves. It's a cruel world when you put yourself out there...when things aren't going well...and deal with the onslaught of "Fire them all" posters. I wouldn't be on any of it if I were playing.
You all know my skins are thick and nothing is getting to me.
This board is not unusual. Fan = Fanatic. No team can expect people to give them an attaboy for going off a cliff at the end of every year. It is frustrating for the fans. Losing has always been unpleasant. That makes winning sweeter We'll get over it and will be completely unrealistic about next years team when October rolls around. Players need to get over it too. Play harder next time.
I wonder how many of us have ever been a major topic on Facebook, Twitter, social media in general, specifically in relation to our job performance.
I can get negative on here, and honestly I hope that the players have never read anything negative that I have posted. I mean honestly I would never say anything mean or negative to them in person, as overall I enjoy watching Iowa athletics, and college athletics so much. Sometimes I just get frustrated and come to vent on this site. I have never tweeted at a player (positive or negative) and I'm not sure why people do that. When I vent I want to vent with fellow fans, not try to crush the spirit and soul of a college athlete.

Yeah for the first time in several years I was actually yelling at the TV during Sunday's men's game and getting mad at the way the hawks were playing, the mistakes they were making. I just really wanted them to end the season with a win. They were playing so well then .............
About time. About freaking time.

For me, it is about the players saying dumb stuff back to the fans. They put themselves into a no win situation. Better to get the hell of there and focus on getting better, their studies, and their families.

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Couldn’t you just post content and not interact/read replies? Could turn off notifications and never see any of it.

I’d have to if I participated in that filthy sewer.

Not sure if I can turn off all notifications on there. And even if I could, the folks that own HN want me interacting with people on social media platforms to “build the brand.”

There’s some good on there with fans, and I block or mute a lot of the assholes, it just gets tiring at times. And by the end of basketball after having gone through football, I’m worn out and less tolerant.

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