Iowa/Penn state Tuesday score prediction.

I didn't know Iowa and Penn State were playing on Tuesday!

As for SATURDAY's game prediction:

Penn State 17
Iowa 13
2-0 Iowa. There will be 0 first downs the entire game, and Iowa blocks a punt late in the 4th for a safety to win the game.
I just have this feeling it will be a close disappointing loss. This is a pretty young team that we have, and I don't think they are seasoned enough yet to play good solid football on the road. Penn St has a crap offense, but a very solid D. I think we lose a tight one. 23-17. I hope I'm wrong.
Vandy throws up tree hundo and we win. Don't really care what the score is. They can't score and we can = another bad day for Joe Pa. Oh but Eddy their D is better than ours. So what. We've got a juggernaut here fellas. Hang on to your hats, it's gonna be a wild ride(stop thinking about Vandy's Mom you perverts).
Iowa wins, but only if: Bernstine doesn't make out w/any chicks at the bar tmrw (strep), Castillo's best view of the field comes from the pine, and Canzeri gets some carries before cleanup) Win: 24-13

Otherwise: Loss 17-13
20-13 Iowa. Tough to score on these guys. McNutt gets a long TD, and Coker gets a short TD. Meyer hits 2/3 field goals. Penn State gets a TD, but has to settle for two field goals as their poor offense is unable to finish in the red zone against Iowa's bend don't break D. Iowa's D makes a big stop in the fourth quarter to seal the victory.
Shouldn't this thread be changed to Wednesday score prediction:) I think Iowa wins 27-20 with a strong day by Coker.
I don't trust the UI offense on the road to score. Meyer will have his chances. He won't be perfect on the road.

PSU is just lousy on offense. The defense needs to catch the ball when its thrown at them. Need to be sure handed in back 7 cause I think they will have chances. They score some points because UI kick coverage stinks and have too many short field chances.

Hawks 20
N-Lions 17
Was this the last time KF and Co. ran a fake anything?
And going for it on 4th and 2. Geez, how things have changed.
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