Iowa OL Wins Joe Moore Award

A jab at overweight people now? Hi, I'm Jesus, have we met? Your response...I don't think so.
This is a nice award...but...if our o-line was the best in the country...we must have had the least receiving talent on the planet... QB was a proven entity from the prior year... Puzzled...
QB wasn't a 'proven' entity from a year ago! Lol. Look at how he performed against teams with winning records and get back to spew your ignorant nonsense on the Report...or are they tired of you there also...
This is for JoshBrown...
You let us know when you have a worthwhile thought. No, wait, we'll let you know if it happens. Go over to Ames where they recruit the same kids. Breathe the same air and drink the same water. Or out to Lincoln. Maybe a little North to Minneapolis. Maybe a little east in Champaign. Where else would you like to travel today sir? All great destinations and plenty of chances to find success. Let me know how your new team is doing.

I was with ya except for the "same water" comment. I hear the water in Ames is exceptional.
I'll tell yall one thing. I doubt it is part of the criteria, but that picture of them, it sure as hell looks like they could be the best O line in the college football. That looks like one big tough bad ass crew to me. :)