Iowa needs to offer Stoops before Ohio St gets him

Something else to ponder ...

If you look at the BCS champions since 2000, only 1 of the champions had a coach who had been at the school for more than 5 Years (Mack Brown).

It's an interesting fact but is there any reason to think it means anything?
Iowa getting Stoops is a pipe dream, not gonna happen. I would be willing to bet my left testicle (right just means more to me not sure why, it doesnt do anything my left doesn't) that our staff will remain completely the same unless Norm retires. That being said Stoops will be unavailable by then and we will promote from within house. WindyCity proactive is something Iowa is not.

Tell me more about this.....

I generally agree with you here, but it is interesting to note that if you look at the BCS champions over the last decade, you'll find a lot of coaches who are known for being very animated on the sidelines.

Not trying to challenge you here but really…..Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Jim Tressel, Larry Coker, these guys are not emotional or more so than Kirk and if you are saying Les Miles or Pete Carol, animated is way different than what Mike Stoops has been and honestly I’m not sure I’d really say either of those guys are all to much more animated than KF can be. Petey was goofy but hardly overly emotional…

Well Chad what that means is this, we will not fire Norm to get Stoops although his health could be an issue with him remaining our DC for much longer. I'm not saying we should fire him, but if he cannot be as active and as involved as he once was and he doesn't step down himself Iowa will not force him out. We will have to find a new DC when others that are available now have been picked through. His age and health should factor in but it does not, he is knowledgeable but it's not the same getting coached from the box as it is when a coach is able to be on the field and get in your a**. Atleast that's what I remember from when I played sports
Well Chad what that means is this, we will not fire Norm to get Stoops although his health could be an issue with him remaining our DC for much longer. I'm not saying we should fire him, but if he cannot be as active and as involved as he once was and he doesn't step down himself Iowa will not force him out. We will have to find a new DC when others that are available now have been picked through. His age and health should factor in but it does not, he is knowledgeable but it's not the same getting coached from the box as it is when a coach is able to be on the field and get in your a**. Atleast that's what I remember from when I played sports

Well cuz, I'd guess when you and I were in high school it was pretty unlikely our position coach was in the box or our DC… In fact none of our Varsity coaches were….the soph coaches were I believe. Finally there are a lot of teams who have gone to putting OC’s or DC’s in the box and if it were the other way around, that would be wrong too, right?

Finally I’m not necessarily jacked up about Mike Stoops and although I’m okay with Norm retiring and getting someone new, I’m not in hurry up mode to get Mike Stoops.


PS...we moved pretty quick to get Soup, but of course evryones forgets that. Its just what they do.....
Why are people so obsessed with fire? I just want a guy who can coach. I don't care if they hire Steven Wright, as long as he can stop the spread.
Not trying to challenge you here but really…..Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, Jim Tressel, Larry Coker, these guys are not emotional or more so than Kirk and if you are saying Les Miles or Pete Carol, animated is way different than what Mike Stoops has been and honestly I’m not sure I’d really say either of those guys are all to much more animated than KF can be. Petey was goofy but hardly overly emotional…

First of all, Mike Stoops is such a freaking outlier in the sample space that he should not be in the discussion.

IMO, Meyer, Saban, Miles and Carroll are much more demonstrative than KF on the sidelines.
First of all, Mike Stoops is such a freaking outlier in the sample space that he should not be in the discussion.

IMO, Meyer, Saban, Miles and Carroll are much more demonstrative than KF on the sidelines.

That's fine and IMO, they aren't.......I'd wager I could get just as many people to agree with me as you can, so that tells you right there its slight at best...right?! Not being a jerk just applying some logic. Per the "animated" coaches club, these guys aren't charter members.
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No way this happens, NO WAY!

What is more likely to happen is Phil Parker getting promoted within. Little change as possible.
the question with is if Fickle will he want to stay after the way OSU treated him
would you want to stay on a team that gave you no chance at the HC job and basically used you
Fickle would be a good fit as he runs a non frill defense
but Phil Parker will get the promotion as he filled for Norm when he was in the Hospital
the question with is if Fickle will he want to stay after the way OSU treated him
would you want to stay on a team that gave you no chance at the HC job and basically used you
Fickle would be a good fit as he runs a non frill defense
but Phil Parker will get the promotion as he filled for Norm when he was in the Hospital

Id say OSU treated him well
Fickel will be named Ast. head coach; stoops will be DC. I think it would make sence ti name Parker and Wilson co-DC's so they are both promoted and kept happy on staff.
Randy Peterson was on Murph and Andy today and said that Kirk will not be told what he has to do with his coaching staff. He also said Kirk will not fire anyone or make anyone "retire". If you want Norm gone, he is going to have to decide that on his own. And you will be stuck with KOK.
Randy Peterson was on Murph and Andy today and said that Kirk will not be told what he has to do with his coaching staff. He also said Kirk will not fire anyone or make anyone "retire". If you want Norm gone, he is going to have to decide that on his own. And you will be stuck with KOK.

Which is why we will continue to be a perennial middle of the pack team. KOK has had gobs of talent the past two years and he has massively underachieved...poor...p*ss poor game day coaching.

We all sit on this board questioning the talent of our new recruits (at least for the past three seasons i've been reading) it any surprise that we can't get any 5* talent...we have a DC who can't travel distance to recruit and we refuse to hire someone with a bit of name recognition. There is no reason, given how many athletes have made it to the next level (and I give full credit to the coaches for player development once they get to Iowa despite the atrocious game day coaching), that we shouldn't be getting 5* recruits...that's the single biggest asset we have...I don't see what high school kid who has dreams of playing in the NFL could seriously turn down the Hawks when you tell them flat out, "hey, we put more guys in the NFL than anybody else and here they are...."
Which is why we will continue to be a perennial middle of the pack team. KOK has had gobs of talent the past two years and he has massively underachieved...poor...p*ss poor game day coaching.

We all sit on this board questioning the talent of our new recruits (at least for the past three seasons i've been reading) it any surprise that we can't get any 5* talent...we have a DC who can't travel distance to recruit and we refuse to hire someone with a bit of name recognition. There is no reason, given how many athletes have made it to the next level (and I give full credit to the coaches for player development once they get to Iowa despite the atrocious game day coaching), that we shouldn't be getting 5* recruits...that's the single biggest asset we have...I don't see what high school kid who has dreams of playing in the NFL could seriously turn down the Hawks when you tell them flat out, "hey, we put more guys in the NFL than anybody else and here they are...."
Maybe Kirk is responsible for that.
Which is why we will continue to be a perennial middle of the pack team. KOK has had gobs of talent the past two years and he has massively underachieved...poor...p*ss poor game day coaching.

We all sit on this board questioning the talent of our new recruits (at least for the past three seasons i've been reading) it any surprise that we can't get any 5* talent...we have a DC who can't travel distance to recruit and we refuse to hire someone with a bit of name recognition. There is no reason, given how many athletes have made it to the next level (and I give full credit to the coaches for player development once they get to Iowa despite the atrocious game day coaching), that we shouldn't be getting 5* recruits...that's the single biggest asset we have...I don't see what high school kid who has dreams of playing in the NFL could seriously turn down the Hawks when you tell them flat out, "hey, we put more guys in the NFL than anybody else and here they are...."

Well lets keep in mind no one in the NFL or college coaching circles would ever agree with anything you just said right there, so quite frankly all you've got is a message board opinion and a very skewed, myopic one at that.
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What is this obsession with Stoops? He sucked so bad they fired him. Now we just can't live without him? WTF?
Randy Peterson was on Murph and Andy today and said that Kirk will not be told what he has to do with his coaching staff. He also said Kirk will not fire anyone or make anyone "retire". If you want Norm gone, he is going to have to decide that on his own. And you will be stuck with KOK.

He shouldn't be.....its no different with any other fan base. Kind of like the crap they whine and cry about in ISU with Herman. Its the same every where and it will be the same if we get a new guy. That's what fan*atics do....

That's why they are fans and not coaches. They couldn't identify a good play if it smacked them in the face. They can identify a bad one, or so they think because it didn't seem to work, but they are too short-sighted to tell you why.....other than it didn't work so obviously "it was" bad..... Boy that's cutting edge.


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