Iowa needs to offer Stoops before Ohio St gets him


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of chatter about Stoops going to Ohio St as the Defensive Coordinator. Iowa needs to be proactive for once and announce NOrm's retirement and get Stoops. If there was ever a team that needed some new blood and a fresh approach (like a coach with a little bit of fire that gets his guys pumped up to play) it is the Hawkeyes, both on offense and defense. It gets old hearing every announcer, opposing player, and coach say over and over again that everyone knows what Iowa is going to do, so you can prepare for it.

For every other team you hear about the gameplan they came up with for a big game and the new wrinkles and looks that are thrown in to confuse the other team.
Think it's not going to happen at Iowa

Marc Givler
Just got all the confirmation that I needed that #MikeStoops was at #OhioState today meeting at the WHAC....getting very close to a deal
There is a lot of chatter about Stoops going to Ohio St as the Defensive Coordinator. Iowa needs to be proactive for once and announce NOrm's retirement and get Stoops. If there was ever a team that needed some new blood and a fresh approach (like a coach with a little bit of fire that gets his guys pumped up to play) it is the Hawkeyes, both on offense and defense. It gets old hearing every announcer, opposing player, and coach say over and over again that everyone knows what Iowa is going to do, so you can prepare for it.

For every other team you hear about the gameplan they came up with for a big game and the new wrinkles and looks that are thrown in to confuse the other team.

I’m seriously not trying to jerk your chain, but this is one of those things I just don’t get. While we are lamenting KF for his supposed lack of emotion, AZ was over there lamenting how Mike was too emotional. Now we need more fire, yet from all I’ve read and seen coach K is already really, really fiery.

We live in such a quick fix, fire someone and get new blood “society†that everyone wants something different even if it’s a retread that someone else threw out. I guess I’ll never get it….

January 3 kirk ferentz will be named the coach at penn state. January 4 Mike Stoops will be named the coach at Iowa. Then 99 percent of the people on this forum will have exactly what they've wanted for the whole season and i'll curl up in the fetal position and cry and overeat nachos.
...even if it’s a retread that someone else threw out. I guess I’ll never get it….

Stoops was thrown out of Arizona as a HEAD coach. College FB has plenty of good to great coordinators who were not successful as head coaches.
January 3 kirk ferentz will be named the coach at penn state. January 4 Mike Stoops will be named the coach at Iowa. Then 99 percent of the people on this forum will have exactly what they've wanted for the whole season and i'll curl up in the fetal position and cry and overeat nachos.

Now I’ll confess, I have no doubt, this has been bandied about, but since I don’t hang out here in season….people have seriously wanted Mike Stoops to be our head coach over KF…..

And as far as the D goes, AZ never field dominant D’s. Solid D’s for the most part, but not dominant like Iowa has been.

I just dont believe Kirk is going to hire Mark Stoops. Don't see it.

Is there even any real chatter going on about Norm retiring? There's no chance Ferentz is going to get rid of Parker, so he'd have to go out on his own. Until that becomes clear, it's pointless talking about a position that isn't even open. And I agree, Stoops' style is far too agressive for Kirk's liking. My guess is that they hire from within if/when Parker decides to hang it up.
Or we could stick with our current d-coordinator....


National rankings for scoring defense:
2011: 44th
2010: 7th
2009: 8th
2008: 5th
2007: 12th
2006: 45th
2005: 22nd
2004: 16th
2003: 7th
2002: 24th
2001: 34th
Average since 2001 is 20 which is in the top 16.8% in the nation.

National rankings for total defense:
2011: 67th
2010: 25th
2009: 10th
2008: 12th
2007: 36th
2006: 68th
2005: 67th
2004: 11th
2003: 16th
2002: 47th
2001: 20th
Average since 2001 is 34.45 which is in the top 28.9% of the nation.
Brian, I love Norm and wish he were healthy as I don't want a new DC. That being said, I will be mildly surprised if 2011 doesn't turn out to be his last year.
Stoops was thrown out of Arizona as a HEAD coach. College FB has plenty of good to great coordinators who were not successful as head coaches.

100% accurate…doesn’t change that while we pretend our coach has no emotion (not really true and very important for the head guy to be even keeled) there are a multitude of other fans out there calling their coach high strung, and hot tempered. THAT’S’ what I’ll never get…..we want what others don’t and vice versa.

Is there even any real chatter going on about Norm retiring? There's no chance Ferentz is going to get rid of Parker, so he'd have to go out on his own. Until that becomes clear, it's pointless talking about a position that isn't even open. And I agree, Stoops' style is far too agressive for Kirk's liking. My guess is that they hire from within if/when Parker decides to hang it up.

What style is that....the one that got him fired? Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing some empirical data on this common theme. And no not just what people think they’ve seen. Because the common thought by many in here is……we didn’t change anything and there are multiple threads on this very board chronicling a LOT of changes that they did throughout the season…some quite aggressive.

I saw Norm at Carver last night. It's shocking how old and decrepit he is. Its pretty sad and I wish he would focus on enjoying his family/life. Looking at how hobbled he is
really opened my eyes.
I’m seriously not trying to jerk your chain, but this is one of those things I just don’t get. While we are lamenting KF for his supposed lack of emotion, AZ was over there lamenting how Mike was too emotional. Now we need more fire, yet from all I’ve read and seen coach K is already really, really fiery.

We live in such a quick fix, fire someone and get new blood “society†that everyone wants something different even if it’s a retread that someone else threw out. I guess I’ll never get it….


I think fans always clamor more emotion because they want the coach to show the frustration they are feeling.
There is a lot of chatter about Stoops going to Ohio St as the Defensive Coordinator. Iowa needs to be proactive for once and announce NOrm's retirement and get Stoops. If there was ever a team that needed some new blood and a fresh approach (like a coach with a little bit of fire that gets his guys pumped up to play) it is the Hawkeyes, both on offense and defense. It gets old hearing every announcer, opposing player, and coach say over and over again that everyone knows what Iowa is going to do, so you can prepare for it.

For every other team you hear about the gameplan they came up with for a big game and the new wrinkles and looks that are thrown in to confuse the other team.

Iowa getting Stoops is a pipe dream, not gonna happen. I would be willing to bet my left testicle (right just means more to me not sure why, it doesnt do anything my left doesn't) that our staff will remain completely the same unless Norm retires. That being said Stoops will be unavailable by then and we will promote from within house. WindyCity proactive is something Iowa is not.

[ame=]My Proactive Approach - YouTube[/ame]
I think fans always clamor more emotion because they want the coach to show the frustration they are feeling.

Thats a great point BC,

With that said, that’s just more evidence of how out of touch people really are with what most people look for in leadership in the real world. And no football ain’t all to different from the real world, and while I am very high strung and emotional myself. As I have grown into a better leader I’ve begin to slowly get that under control. So should any head football coach.

Fickle has already been told he will stay on with a "major" position on the team. IE D coordinator. I don't know what Iowa does if Norm retires but Stoops isn't going to OSU as a LB coach. The fans on radio and message boards are the only ones saying Stoops may be going to OSU I havn't seen or heard any big media saying that.
With that said, that’s just more evidence of how out of touch people really are with what most people look for in leadership in the real world. And no football ain’t all to different from the real world, and while I am very high strung and emotional myself. As I have grown into a better leader I’ve begin to slowly get that under control. So should any head football coach.

I generally agree with you here, but it is interesting to note that if you look at the BCS champions over the last decade, you'll find a lot of coaches who are known for being very animated on the sidelines.
Something else to ponder ...

If you look at the BCS champions since 2000, only 1 of the champions had a coach who had been at the school for more than 5 Years (Mack Brown).

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