Iowa - MSU Game Thread

Oh well, fun for awhile. Not even a "good loss" now. Just a good ole' fashion ***-whippin.
Saturday should be fun.:(
This is by far the most frustrating game I've watched all year. Cole's turnover on that pass was absolutely lazy. Very unimpressed with the effort tonight...
Since this game is pretty much over, what will the B-ball schedule look like next year with Nebby in the mix? How many games will we play in conference? What teams will we only play once?
We lose nothing at this point by inserting some shooters, and may actually gain something. C'mon, Fran, do it.
If we're going to play like this against MSU (even if it is in East Lansing) I don't see what chance in hell we stand against Purdue. I don't know how optimistic I was about the Purdue game anyway, but this is just dissappointing

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