Iowa-Minnesota 2010 on btn now

I was at this game, bragging like a muthalover before the game began. joking with my friend, who was a Minnesota student, about how there were more Iowa kids in Minnesota's student section. I was quickly silenced, and embarrassed. figured the next year couldn't be as bad, I was quickly disproven again. I hate Minnesota now.
Same here. 5 rows up on the 20 behind the Iowa bench. Throughout the whole game, I kept saying to myself, "this isn't happening". Unfortunately it was. I remember leaving after Coker fumbled and as we were walking down the street they kept playing an oinking pig over the speakers. It was sickening. Unfortunately I experienced the same thing last year...

they were all acting like ***** and I almost got in 3 fights on the way to my car. was a sickening experience indeed
I need redemption against minnesota this year. its a home game, homecoming, and my 21st birthday weekend. my Minnesota friends are coming down and need to be put in their place.
Minnesota fans can NEVER be put on their place. The entire state is convinced they are all that and then some.

I've been told Iowa games have become more of a bowl game for them more than anything.
I remember listening to Matt Hughes and hinkel on the drive home from Minneapolis. saying Minnesota is a lot better than their record showed. it was disgusting to listen to. I believe Andy Hamilton was the host and even he was like guys, really?
I've been told Iowa games have become more of a bowl game for them more than anything.
It was obviously a bowl like atmosphere that their coaches put alot of emphasis on. Good for them for getting their team up for Senior Day. Let's face it, we have not been a very good team the last few years. We played with little emotion as if we just wanted to get the damn season over with. All factors working against us in defeat.

I'm glad that the staff finally got shook up and we have some young bright energetic coaches that hopefully reenergize the seasoned coaches.
I was at that game, and bince all my inlaws are from Minny and went to the game with me, I had to hear "gotta give Minnesota a lot of credit" for the next few hours. I was also required to wear a Minnesota hat for the remainder of the evening. I've been to many, many games over the years. That was nearly the worst.

I really enjoyed the ad infinitum "who hates iowa, we hate iowa" chant by all of those band girls, too.

Here's what Iowa needs to do: beat the directional non conference schools, ISU, Minny, NW, Purdue, and Indiana when we play them. Then we take our shots vs. the MSUs, Michs, and Nebbys of the world.

We need to take care of business vs. the goofs and the clowns.
I was at that game, and bince all my inlaws are from Minny and went to the game with me, I had to hear "gotta give Minnesota a lot of credit" for the next few hours. I was also required to wear a Minnesota hat for the remainder of the evening. I've been to many, many games over the years. That was nearly the worst. I really enjoyed the ad infinitum "who hates iowa, we hate iowa" chant by all of those band girls, too. Here's what Iowa needs to do: beat the directional non conference schools, ISU, Minny, NW, Purdue, and Indiana when we play them. Then we take our shots vs. the MSUs, Michs, and Nebbys of the world. We need to take care of business vs. the goofs and the clowns.

that "we hate Iowa chant" annoys me.
Here's what Iowa needs to do: beat the directional non conference schools, ISU, Minny, NW, Purdue, and Indiana when we play them. Then we take our shots vs. the MSUs, Michs, and Nebbys of the world.

We need to take care of business vs. the goofs and the clowns.


I don't particularly care if we lose to OSU and teams like that as long as we're beating the teams we're supposed to beat.

My brother would rather have the big wins and lose a game you shouldn't, which I guess I can see his point, but when you do that, the way I see it is that you are cancelling out a huge win and it becomes a "what should have been" type of season. That's more painful than just losing to the big boys IMO. Kind of like losing to ISU in 2002.. ugh.

I don't particularly care if we lose to OSU and teams like that as long as we're beating the teams we're supposed to beat.

My brother would rather have the big wins and lose a game you shouldn't, which I guess I can see his point, but when you do that, the way I see it is that you are cancelling out a huge win and it becomes a "what should have been" type of season. That's more painful than just losing to the big boys IMO. Kind of like losing to ISU in 2002.. ugh.

I hate to rehash these losses to 2 very poor minny teams but once more, Iowa not fired up and making mistakes and bad coaching mistakes. When will ever have a running back go for 250 yards in a game again, never, 20 years. And yet we lost.
A rule in business (and in life) is that it's always about the next (fill in the blank), not the last (fill in the black). It applies here also I believe.
The thing that sucks is, Minneapolis is a great place to visit, and I had a blast at the bars up there last time, before the game anyway. I've been forbidden by family and friends to go back for a game because I apparently jinx them.
The thing that sucks is, Minneapolis is a great place to visit, and I had a blast at the bars up there last time, before the game anyway. I've been forbidden by family and friends to go back for a game because I apparently jinx them.

It was you? Shiiiit....I thought it was me! I went to the 2010 and 2011 games. First (and second) time ever going to a iowa-MN game at Mn. Pretty sure I'm not going to do it again!

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