Iowa @ Michigan - Role Call

2 here getting in on Friday. Staying at a friends brothers house. Wearing my new Black and gold Hawkeye bibs to tailgate at the golf course. 1st time to the big house for me. Ill have to get in touch with ok4prez to find out where the most expensive food is that doesnt expect good tips and arent a lot of prolls.
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We are staying in Belleville, 20 minutes from AA... Wont get to AA till LATE friday night but we are down for partying... What time is everyone going to get to the Golf Course??? When can we start parking??? Sunny and 65 for Saturday going to be nice!!
Hey hawkitychick have you heard about any bars in Belleville. Group of 7 of us also plan on staying in Belleville at the red roof inn. Trying to decide whether to cab in to ann arbor and campus town or hit up some dive in Belleville. Does anybody also know when the cars have to be out of the tailgating lots? Couples hours after game or possible to pick up early Sunday?
Wish I could make it this year. Went the last time we played there in 2006. Great time, not a great game. Domo was our best WR that year! My how things have changed! Enjoy AA. We also did the golf course. Other than that not much going on in AA to my knowledge. We detoured through South Bend and checked out Notre Dame stadium and the College Football Hall of Fame on Friday. Those are certainly options if you are coming from the west.

Kind of funny story, I remember in 2006 the Big Ten Network had a huge tent set up right outside the stadium. They were passing out magnets and T-shirts and had signs everywhere saying "Coming in August 2007." A lot of people were walking by pointing and laughing saying there is no way it would work. Good stuff. I still rock the very worn BTN shirt from time-to-time! Enjoy Ann Arbor. I here she is a wh*re! ;)
Excellent. This is going to be excellent. Sounds like there will be quite a few Hawk fans at the golf course. Should be a good time. I would think 8-9 is a good time to get there. 9 o'clock still gives you 6 and a half hours to tailgate. See you all there. GO HAWKS!!
pchawkeye- im investigating as I write this! lol Im going to have some crazy friends with me so we are usually down for about anything. We cant leave Cedar Rapids till around 7pmish Friday night so we will arrive in Belleville pretty late, guess its as good time as any to start drinking hahahaha We are staying at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites..

ALSO where is everyone sitting???

We are at like the 45 Yard line, Iowa Side Row 6... I hope more hawk fans will be near??
There was this nice gentleman's club we went to. It was a blast. They loved us. The place was packed with Hawk Fans. We took a cab from AA to a town near by. 20 min ride. It was great.
Another popular place in AA, especially if you have kids is Rod's, the official name might be Rod's diner. They have these things called colliders, basically a Dairy Queen blizzard, only they have just about any possible topping you can think of. Its a popular place and they have pictures of famous people, and random people all over the walls.

If you are bringing little ones, they should enjoy it.
4 dudes, leaving IC at noon. Trying to make the Slayer/Anthrax/Megadeth show in Grand Rapids, but the cowboy in the group is putting up a fight. He'll be the first to get tossed into the mosh pit!

I guess we'll be heading to the golf course lot! Wearing black.
Where is everyone sitting?

I am still needing to purchase tickets and wanted to sit with other Hawk fans if possible.
Where is everyone sitting?

I am still needing to purchase tickets and wanted to sit with other Hawk fans if possible.

I think its at the top of sections 7-12. Im sitting half way up section 7 and Ill be high fiven hawk fans like a mofo as they pass.
Does anyone know any more info on this golf course parking? Can you just pull in, pay for a spot and park and tailgate there? It looks like that's how it works, but that just seems odd to me. And any idea what time we should get there? Thanks.

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