Iowa Loves Brandon Wegher

Yeah, I do have an issue with putting down edicts that certain topics can only be talked about certain ways. However, I agree that things had gotten to a point where they had stepped over the line.

However, Jon's rule was stated as "No More Wegher Threads." If he wants to change that to no more negative Wegher threads that is fine. But considering that he wrote a piece today critiquing another media source indicating what they caim to be saying doesn't match with what they are actually doing, it would seem "disengenuous" if his edict should not apply to this thread as well.
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If you don't like it, start your own forum. That's where your freedom lies, not in forcing someone else to run their forum how you want.
I whole heartedly support BW. I hope that whatever has caused his absence is something that he can rectify without too much heart ache.
I loved watching BW and think his future in football is a bright one, so here's hoping he is back soon!
Yeah, I do have an issue with putting down edicts that certain topics can only be talked about certain ways. However, I agree that things had gotten to a point where they had stepped over the line.

However, Jon's rule was stated as "No More Wegher Threads." If he wants to change that to no more negative Wegher threads that is fine. But considering that he wrote a piece today critiquing another media source indicating what they caim to be saying doesn't match with what they are actually doing, it would seem "disengenuous" if his edict should not apply to this thread as well.

That's getting pretty nit-picky. I don't think that very many people had too much trouble inferring what Jon meant. He even said later in the thread that we could talk about how it might impact the team if he's not there, stuff like that. We just can't start speculating about why he may or may not be there again. Which is fine by most people around here.

But like has been suggested to you, if you REALLY want to talk about it, start your own website. Jon has every right to censor out material here, because it's his product, he can run it how he likes.
If you don't like it, start your own forum. That's where your freedom lies, not in forcing someone else to run their forum how you want.

Just trying to hold things here to the same standards Jon holds others to. But thanks for your insightful comments. BTW, I made no claims to freedom of speech.
There is no freedom of speech here, it's Jon's site and he can run it any damn way he wants to.
I agree its his site and I won't argue with how he has run things. I enjoy this site (even though some threads can be tedious) and look forward to Jon continuing his great work.

That said. Wegher is a back that brings great work ethic and flash to the game. Whatever happens I wish him great success.
BW3, hope to see you back on the field ASAP. Love your work ethic and your results. I love an Iowa kid who chooses to stay home when the bluebloods came calling.
Anyone complaining about this thread just has their panties in a bunch. Thanks for posting the thread, Wegher deserves props and you never know what websites these players look at. Obviously, he's in the spotlight because he's a homegrown Iowa kid that is a star for the Hawks. A lot of publicity comes with that and you have to just get used to the negative stuff I suppose. That doesn't mean the constant rumors and crap don't drive him nuts. I highly doubt many of the players look at message boards all that often, but if they do it would be nice for them to see some support. BW is one heck of a player and the Hawks are a better team when he's a part of it.

Here's to hoping he gets through whatever "personal" things are going on. If he doesn't want people to know what that is then good for him... it's none of our business. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the next Wegher moment on gameday because he's a special player and he's fun to watch.
Anyone complaining about this thread just has their panties in a bunch. Thanks for posting the thread, Wegher deserves props and you never know what websites these players look at. Obviously, he's in the spotlight because he's a homegrown Iowa kid that is a star for the Hawks. A lot of publicity comes with that and you have to just get used to the negative stuff I suppose. That doesn't mean the constant rumors and crap don't drive him nuts. I highly doubt many of the players look at message boards all that often, but if they do it would be nice for them to see some support. BW is one heck of a player and the Hawks are a better team when he's a part of it.

Here's to hoping he gets through whatever "personal" things are going on. If he doesn't want people to know what that is then good for him... it's none of our business. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the next Wegher moment on gameday because he's a special player and he's fun to watch.

No one is complaining, we're just stating the rules of NO more Wegher threads. And this is a wegher thread. The guy has to get the boot and must be made an example of.
No one is complaining, we're just stating the rules of NO more Wegher threads. And this is a wegher thread. The guy has to get the boot and must be made an example of.

Except that it wasn't too hard to figure out WHICH kind of "Wegher thread" was the one with the banhammer hovering over it. Speculation on WHY he may or may not miss time=banhammer. Those wishing him the best, speculation on how the running game will be affected, etc.=okay.

And CAAR was quite clearly complaining about it, not simply "stating the rules".
Ok Sheriff Mac. PM Jon and complain about it then. Did he hire you to police the board? Get a grip man, it's a positive thread meant to show some support for the kid at a time where all sorts of rumors are flying around. Do you honestly not have anything better to do than complain about it?

I believe Jon meant no more Wegher threads that were gonna be filled with unofficial rumors and reports from people who have no idea what they are talking about. He started this thread to support him and if Jon wanted it gone it would be.
BW is the man! I certainly wish him the best as well. It is great seeing big time instate kids stay home. Especially a kid living on the Iowa border with South Dakota. We are certainly not the closest school to BW. He did a fantastic job last year and I really want to see him play for 2 or 3 more seasons here!

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