Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

I hope the same guys b!tching and moaning all game will give KF credit for the amazing halftime adjustments. We dominated ISU in this half unlike any half against them I can least since 2009.

Great job Hawks!
I'll give KF credit for giving Beathard the #1 spot (albeit after much pressure). Beathard won this game. If Rudock is still the starter, we lose by 10. So, nice job Coach.
We might see the banhammer rear it's ugly head this week.

If JM bans me, so be it. Never seen so much negativity for a game that we essentially controlled save for a couple of plays by them. You'd think the TS passing would give people a little more perspective, if only for a week. Guess that's asking a little too much out of human nature...
If JM bans me, so be it. Never seen so much negativity for a game that we essentially controlled save for a couple of plays by them. You'd think the TS passing would give people a little more perspective, if only for a week. Guess that's asking a little too much out of human nature...
Can't blame people. They are used to history repeating itself. The Clowns are a bad, bad football team but beating them is what we SHOULD do, every season. I'm happy to get the win and I'll take 10 more just like it. Even if I feel like I need to complain through all of them.
We haven't been ranked since 2010, let me repeat that for you, we haven't been ranked since 2010. Please tell me what we have to be positive about. Plus I don't see anything stating I can't post negative opinions of the program. Believe me I wish I was allowed to say what I wanted, but I get banned for nothing and some get to say whatever they want on here. It's pathetic...

Probably has something to do with the fact that everything you post is negative...just a thought...
The last three mins of the game give me hope that this team COULD theoretically win 9 games. Good play calling, good execution, good athletes. The rest of the game...not so much.
We haven't been ranked since 2010, let me repeat that for you, we haven't been ranked since 2010. Please tell me what we have to be positive about. Plus I don't see anything stating I can't post negative opinions of the program. Believe me I wish I was allowed to say what I wanted, but I get banned for nothing and some get to say whatever they want on here. It's pathetic...

Maybe you should read the forum rules then....constant negative posting will get you banned....

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