Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

Hard to type with a mouthful of crow. Kudos to all the guys who had a crappy first half...that redeemed themselves I the 2nd. I wasn't one if them.
From 35kft over Virginia, I am stoked. It was pain to refresh yahoo sports from a crappy airplane wifi but it turned out sweet. Can't wait to get on the ground and see that pick.
I hope the same guys b!tching and moaning all game will give KF credit for the amazing halftime adjustments. We dominated ISU in this half unlike any half against them I can least since 2009.

Great job Hawks!
Thank the lord some people who actually knew what they were talking about... Congrats to CJ Beathard!
I hope the same guys b!tching and moaning all game will give KF credit for the amazing halftime adjustments. We dominated ISU in this half unlike any half against them I can least since 2009.

Great job Hawks!

fair enough......
Don't ever effing tell me he doesn't care! The mans in tears and the team played their guts out for him! go Hawks!
Oh, good, now we get to hear FK apologist gloat. Until we beat someone with a pulse I really feel you should keep your mouths shut. Don't get me wrong I'm happy we won, but you guys need to stop.

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