Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

Is there any pride in being a hawkeye anymore. Sash would have never let this game happen. This is the effort we give for his memory.
Before I may receive my banning... Maybe some of you should consider who you are actually fans for. The Hawks have represented today. All I ask is that you actually cheer on your team. I've been through 8 years worth of Army deployments that have left me useless in regards to cheering for my team. I apologize if I'm pretty vulgar but I believe we owe our boys our dedication. Keep rooting them on!
I've seen a lot of people cheering. The complaints are about the stuff that hasn't worked for years and we keep doing it. Maybe your frustration got the best of you for a little while.
I know you're all prob watching on tv, but I'm stuck watching the same commercials over and over. The kid doing the obstacle course is really frustrating. I mean, it's obvious that the kid falls off the beam.
How does a guy with absolutely no feel for the rhythm and flow of a game.... get to this level and get paid this much money.


It's never been more true..

Players win the game...coaches lose it