Iowa-Indiana prediction thread

Not trying to be a wise-guy but perhaps its because canzeri actually can get to cutback lanes if he is healthy, which he clearly is not. If you look at some of Iowa's most productive backs under ferentz (betts, russell, young) these guys were excellent at finding the cutback lanes... and wiesmann clearly struggles with this.

Well, if you would actually look at the statistics, you would see that Weismann IS one of the "most productive" backs of the Ferentz era. If he has another 500 yards in him this year, he will leave school around #6 on the list of the most successful rushers in school history.

You might want to step away from the keyboard, take a deep breath, and try to wrap your mind around that.
I think if Canzeri got as many snaps as Weisman, he would have easily been just as productive....maybe more. But it is what it is.
23-20 Iowa, only because Kirk goes for it on 4th and 11 when it was clear to all of us that he would punt the ball on Indiana's own 39 yard line and miraculously, CJB runs to daylight and sets up the game winner baby.....Oh man, I'm exhausted...good night all.....
This is the week Jake hits his stride and leads the Hawks to a solid victory.

CJ will play sparingly... the defense will stuff Cole... Hawks win by 2 TDs.

1. Jake hits his stride... CHECK
2. Hawks get a solid victory... CHECK
3. CJ plays sparingly... CHECK
4. Hawks win by 2 TDs... CHECK
5. Defense stuffs Cole... 4 out of 5 ain't bad... LOL

Nice win!

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