Iowa Game Atmosphere

Dang son! What are you askin'? Is Iowa patriotic? Hell(s) yes! Three buckeye stickers will be removed from yer Oscar Meyer wiener helmet on account I ain't sure what yer postin' 'bout.
Jerome from Toronto writes: I know you guys are ranking the best facilities, and the best stadiums in the Big Ten. What about the best overall gameday experience for opposing fans? Take a look at their before game experience with tailgating, the things going on in the local community leading up to the game, the game atmosphere itself, and the partying after the game. Obviously, you need to look at the fan base as well to see which fans are good sports and are out having a fun time without being classless.With all this in mind, rank the top 5 Big Ten Game day experiences for any opposing fan. What are the must-see away games for an opposing fan to travel to? Any destinations that should be avoided due to poor fan behavior?

Adam Rittenberg: Jerome, while every fan base has a few idiots who can spoil the experience for visiting fans, I'd encourage Big Ten fans to visit as many opposing venues as possible. The Big Ten might not have the best football, but it has the best stadiums in the country. There also is great tailgating throughout most of the league, and a nice mix of different size stadiums -- from humongous to cozy -- and locations. As far as best overall game-day experiences, I'd definitely have Wisconsin and Penn State at the top. Great combination of stadiums and tailgating scenes. Iowa is up there for me -- love Kinnick and the atmosphere around it. Nebraska is lacking a bit tailgating-wise, but Memorial Stadium is awesome. You have to go to Michigan Stadium and Ohio Stadium at some point if you're a college football fan. Both offer different pros/cons and surroundings, but you just have to go. I'd also include Michigan State as a very solid game-day experience. The stadium will be improved with upgrades, and the tailgating scene is terrific.
I've been to alot of college stadiums and atmosphere. Lately I have a few SEC clients so every year we go to a different SEC game in a different SEC stadium. Tennessee is pretty impressive, but the tailgating is all over the place. Georgia is a blast, but the game day stadium atmosphere is pretty subdued for some reason, the stadium doesn't rock during the games. The thing I like about the SEC is the girls actually dress up for the's crazy...dresses, heels sometimes, and they are going to a college football games. It's distracting and the women of the SEC are stunning and beat the crap out of the Big far as beauty is concerned, it's more lopsided than our bowl match ups every year. It's not even close.

That being said, Kinnick's game day atmosphere and when the game is on the line and the crowd is into it, blows any of the SEC games I've seen away. The noise is at a different level.
For as football crazy as Texas is, the atmosphere at Texas games isn't in the same league as Iowa.
I wouldn't of guessed that....

I remember Herbstreit talking while Gameday was here in 2006 and made the comment that tailgating in Austin was more the wine and cheese varieity but when coming to Iowa City its all beer and brats.

They had just covered the OSU/Texas game in Austin a couple weeks before and I think they were trying to differentiate between the 2 atmospheres that OSU would be facing.
I guess I could see that "this is Texas football, hoss..." attitude get in the way of things...
I remember Herbstreit talking while Gameday was here in 2006 and made the comment that tailgating in Austin was more the wine and cheese varieity but when coming to Iowa City its all beer and brats.

They had just covered the OSU/Texas game in Austin a couple weeks before and I think they were trying to differentiate between the 2 atmospheres that OSU would be facing.

I am more of a wine and cheese tailgater.

I think some of the gating at Iowa is getting out of hand. It seems like an arms race; People are just escalating the size of their set up.
OatesStache is Sally Mason.

I don't mean the drinking. I mean the grill scene. It's getting out of hand. You'll walk around, see a guy with an R.V., a 12 chair dining set, a 52 inch flat-screen showing Game Day, a portable flag pole, and more meat than a butcher shop.
The Gameday atmosphere at Iowa has taken a nosedive in the last 5-10 years. It is definitely not what it use to be. Other the Funhaters cutting out the fun at all costs, I cannot think of why Iowa has declined so. You used to take a step out on Melrose Ave and just feel the excitement pulsating. Now Melrose seems no more exciting the going thru the mall on Black Friday. It is nothing like it use to be.
The Gameday atmosphere at Iowa has taken a nosedive in the last 5-10 years. It is definitely not what it use to be. Other the Funhaters cutting out the fun at all costs, I cannot think of why Iowa has declined so. You used to take a step out on Melrose Ave and just feel the excitement pulsating. Now Melrose seems no more exciting the going thru the mall on Black Friday. It is nothing like it use to be.

Open-container/drinking crackdowns?????
I don't mean the drinking. I mean the grill scene. It's getting out of hand. You'll walk around, see a guy with an R.V., a 12 chair dining set, a 52 inch flat-screen showing Game Day, a portable flag pole, and more meat than a butcher shop.

I fail to see what is wrong with any of this.
I don't mean the drinking. I mean the grill scene. It's getting out of hand. You'll walk around, see a guy with an R.V., a 12 chair dining set, a 52 inch flat-screen showing Game Day, a portable flag pole, and more meat than a butcher shop.

What's wrong with that?
Ever seen such a rig near trice on game day?:D


I remember college kids showing up in a truck with there beer,package of hot dogs and buns looking for a grill to use.They have all graduated and are part of our tailgating group,we now have 4 Iowa tents,a beer pong table,bags and more food than we can eat.Almost forgot plenty of refreshments also.I look forward to meeting up with everyone on Gameday at 5:30am.

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