I hear the ideas about going “downtown.” Smaller venue, which probably makes sense, although sports venues have a history of expanding seating. Read.
I am really curious about the location. Can someone be a bit more precise? How much of the current business district would be disrupted? What commercial properties would survive, or be torn down? Parking? That will be fun to watch.
If we are talking about getting rid of the old Capitol grounds, good luck with that. You are kidding, right?
Why the argument that CHA is a “crappy location”? Baseball, football, wrestling, basketball, track and field, lacrosse, softball, golf, soccer, transportation hub, tennis, indoor sports center, and probably some sports facilities I don’t know about or have forgotten. Oh, yeah. The indoor and outdoor football practice facilities, not to mention the football complex.
Ask every BT athletic department if they could start from scratch, if they would love Iowa’s arrangement. Duh.
Now. How about establishment of a mass transport system from the east side of the river to the sports complex? For example, I use the Hancher lot for my season basketball attendance. It is kick ass. Literally door to door.
How about a soft rail electric system, going east and west Over the river? Students in health related areas would love it, too.(Dumbest move ever by athletic department was ditching rail transport from Coralville, which could be used for basketball, football and wrestling. It had thousands of users. Too expensive? Fine. Raise the prices like you do for about everything else.
Minnesota example. Park at Fairgrounds. Free bus to front steps of stadium. Bus Route on game day designated traffic free. Quick, easy, safe. Works for basketball and wrestling at Iowa.
I picture a partially elevated rail system, all electric. Some venues are installing escalators or powered walkways for better access. Pay attention to the elderly and the handicapped. The children with their parents.
Or, I guess you can tear down CHA and spent multi millions of $$$ on a new venue instead.
Anyway, that was fun.