Iowa Athletic Rev_Basketball Comment


Well-Known Member
"Iowa fell to 12th with $2.96 million. Iowa’s once-proud men’s basketball program hasn’t hit $4 million in gate revenue since 2005 and was down more than $500,000 from fiscal year 2023. Five teams saw decreases, but UCLA and Iowa had the biggest revenue drops."
"Iowa fell to 12th with $2.96 million. Iowa’s once-proud men’s basketball program hasn’t hit $4 million in gate revenue since 2005 and was down more than $500,000 from fiscal year 2023. Five teams saw decreases, but UCLA and Iowa had the biggest revenue drops."
Couple of observations - the decline was on way before Lick, it's now at an all time low. Iowa can afford to walk away from Fran.
Couple of observations - the decline was on way before Lick, it's now at an all time low. Iowa can afford to walk away from Fran.
They can't afford not to anymore it sounds like. It's not just a PR thing. It's actual dollars and cents and we all know that's what makes the world go round. Chasing good $ after bad is just a loser every time. Ideally when Beth and Fran sit down after this yr they should agree on him getting bought out and him walking away. I really hope Fran doesn't fight it and dare her to fire him and make it messy. It doesn't feel like he would but heck if I know. He's got an ego too. But one way or the other it needs to happen
Buy out to make cpl mill / yr to hang with your boys (Which he wants to do, anyway.) No brainer!
If he makes it messy, he's being a total dick in retribution for the flack his kids took (and to appease Marge;))
So here's a logical solution. They want to put more butts in the season maybe try dropping the prices.
I'm not saying that I'm cheap, but as busy as I am I might be much more willing to go to games if ticket prices for average games were appealing.

While I get the majority of the revenue comes from their media deal you can't tell me that while the revenue has been in steady decline since 2005 prices haven't been trending the opposite direction. It's not hard to figure out. I used to have football season tickets for 15 years when I was in college and graduated but once I had kids that got older my priorities shifted. I still love football and basketball, but there's other things in my life that take priority and the focus has shifted to my family. That said, it was also easier to just drop everything and go to a game when it was just me and my wife or one kid, but now I have to plan for it because I'm being bent over financially to pay what they're asking for when there's hundreds of empty seats night in and night out.

After typing that I realize I just aged from 45 to a gray hair, but I don't see how it's that difficult of a concept. IF your losing money and can't change the product then try lowering the price. They've got no one to blame but themselves.
So here's a logical solution. They want to put more butts in the season maybe try dropping the prices.
I'm not saying that I'm cheap, but as busy as I am I might be much more willing to go to games if ticket prices for average games were appealing.

While I get the majority of the revenue comes from their media deal you can't tell me that while the revenue has been in steady decline since 2005 prices haven't been trending the opposite direction. It's not hard to figure out. I used to have football season tickets for 15 years when I was in college and graduated but once I had kids that got older my priorities shifted. I still love football and basketball, but there's other things in my life that take priority and the focus has shifted to my family. That said, it was also easier to just drop everything and go to a game when it was just me and my wife or one kid, but now I have to plan for it because I'm being bent over financially to pay what they're asking for when there's hundreds of empty seats night in and night out.

After typing that I realize I just aged from 45 to a gray hair, but I don't see how it's that difficult of a concept. IF your losing money and can't change the product then try lowering the price. They've got no one to blame but themselves.
It is Basic economics They taught me that much in Phillips Hall back in the day!
No doubt. But hey bet when they raise costs again next season they'll get the same result lol.
and the demand will go down accordingly. If two old (i am anyway) HN posters can see the not so cloudy crystal ball, what the hell are all their MBA’s smoking? It aint legal in Iowa yet, is it?
Iowa BB has a demand problem. (lack of)
There are two choices to increase demand.
Increase the value of the product.
Reduce the price to reflect the perceived value.
Iowa BB has a demand problem. (lack of)
There are two choices to increase demand.
Increase the value of the product.
Reduce the price to reflect the perceived value.
I think part of it is the way CHA is laid out and the legacy season ticket holder demographic.

Iowa knows that almost all season ticket holders are going to renew at whatever price they set. They know they can bump it 5% every other year and the 50-80 year olds with lots of disposable income will renew. When the Hawks suck, those people just skip more games leaving empty seats. So even if they drop all ticket prices to $20 you're not going to attract many new fans to sit in row 32 of a big bowl because the view sucks. I've bought upper level seats at nebraska games for like $12 halfway up the section that had WAY better views.

The Hawks need to get a new, much smaller arena with better views and a middle concourse. Even if they suck, the newness of a different arena with a better experience would buy the Hawks a few years of better revenue. It admittedly wouldn't solve the ticket price issue, though...
I think part of it is the way CHA is laid out and the legacy season ticket holder demographic.

Iowa knows that almost all season ticket holders are going to renew at whatever price they set. They know they can bump it 5% every other year and the 50-80 year olds with lots of disposable income will renew. When the Hawks suck, those people just skip more games leaving empty seats. So even if they drop all ticket prices to $20 you're not going to attract many new fans to sit in row 32 of a big bowl because the view sucks. I've bought upper level seats at nebraska games for like $12 halfway up the section that had WAY better views.

The Hawks need to get a new, much smaller arena with better views and a middle concourse. Even if they suck, the newness of a different arena with a better experience would buy the Hawks a few years of better revenue. It admittedly wouldn't solve the ticket price issue, though...
I really like the idea of a smaller venue. Big advantage would be that CHA could be converted, rather having to fund a new arena, where the location could be a major stumbling block. Wrestling fans, Fry, could be an issue with their sell out history? A different arena would be a selling point big time.

Or. How about a new arena in Coralville next to the X Steam arena there now? Restaurants, bars, entertainment, lodging, still some vacant spaces for parking, but that could be a stopper. Easy access off I-80.
Shuttles would present an option?

Sure have to do something. But empty season ticket seats, those held by the DesMoines and Quad Cities folks, are victimized by the schedule, not the arena.
What land does the university have where they could possibly put a new arena that also would be close enough to the campus to encourage more students to show up? Also, what could they do with Carver if they did relocate? Keep wrestling there or turn it in to something else? The added so much on to it that I wouldn't think they'd tear it down.
What land does the university have where they could possibly put a new arena that also would be close enough to the campus to encourage more students to show up? Also, what could they do with Carver if they did relocate? Keep wrestling there or turn it in to something else? The added so much on to it that I wouldn't think they'd tear it down.
They have an assload of land all over town. If you go on the Beacon Schneider website under the Johnson county map and you can see everything. What’s really crazy is the number of houses they own surrounding the college and Kinnick
Wrestling fans, Fry, could be an issue with their sell out history?
Carver would have to stay. It’s the most historic wrestling building in the world, collegiate or international, even with Penn State being the next dynasty. Also, the new wrestling facility was designed to be integrated with Carver, they have a tunnel connecting the two so they can go directly to and from the new facility/locker rooms/training rooms during meets. It used to be a deal where both teams had to use the same tunnel like basketball which with wrestling is awkward.

I think a Coralville arena for men’s and women’s basketball would be a great idea. It’s easier to get around in Coralville, better access to the bigger roads, better potential for nightlife. The people who still want to go downtown and party can do that to, it isn’t like Coralville is 10 miles away or anything. Put up a plaza, some hotels, and some restaurants…
"Iowa fell to 12th with $2.96 million. Iowa’s once-proud men’s basketball program hasn’t hit $4 million in gate revenue since 2005 and was down more than $500,000 from fiscal year 2023. Five teams saw decreases, but UCLA and Iowa had the biggest revenue drops."
Not only dollars and cents. The apathy has to make it harder to recruit. According to Dochertman only 3 games with more than 6000 scanned tickets. That’s pretty pathetic
It is 2025. Students and supporters can get on cambus remotely. I do it all the time from Hancher and it’s a breeze. Vehicle traffic post game is a piece of cake. How the hell do you guys think fans on BT campuses get to games? Ever tried to get to WI bb games with your vehicle? Or you can park and walk for 30 minutes on a winter night. No bars no restaurants even close to their arena. And they sell out the student section every year.
Couple of observations - the decline was on way before Lick, it's now at an all time low. Iowa can afford to walk away from Fran.
yes they can. But should they walk away?
Do you think Fran is toast after this season?

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