So here's a logical solution. They want to put more butts in the season maybe try dropping the prices.
I'm not saying that I'm cheap, but as busy as I am I might be much more willing to go to games if ticket prices for average games were appealing.
While I get the majority of the revenue comes from their media deal you can't tell me that while the revenue has been in steady decline since 2005 prices haven't been trending the opposite direction. It's not hard to figure out. I used to have football season tickets for 15 years when I was in college and graduated but once I had kids that got older my priorities shifted. I still love football and basketball, but there's other things in my life that take priority and the focus has shifted to my family. That said, it was also easier to just drop everything and go to a game when it was just me and my wife or one kid, but now I have to plan for it because I'm being bent over financially to pay what they're asking for when there's hundreds of empty seats night in and night out.
After typing that I realize I just aged from 45 to a gray hair, but I don't see how it's that difficult of a concept. IF your losing money and can't change the product then try lowering the price. They've got no one to blame but themselves.