Iowa Alt Uniforms

Why couldn't we wear them more than one game? Does it really matter?
To answer your first question that'd be Mr HC KFs decision.. I think we are lucky he's going with one a game a yr. As far as it mattering or not that's for each individual to decide I guess. The world will spin on..
Could we possibly come up with something that makes opponents think we're USC. Sorry my bad. I was thinking of a different Iowa school.
While the script Iowa may bring back fond memories on the basketball court, it conjures up really dark days for Iowa football. No script Iowa on the football helmets - I'm concerned that only one wearing of that uniform would cause Iowa to backslide for the next 20 years. Some things need to stay buried in the past.

Agreed. Too many here don't remember the days of Cummings and Lauterbur.

Ferentz said a while back that Iowa would be wearing alt unis sometime this season. Think they will come out in them against PSU? I personally like the matte black and metallic gold helmet that was floating around 2 years ago:


Maybe with these jersey's:

I find it ironic that the above jerseys are illegal by NCAA football rules. The main color of numeral can not be the same color as the jersey. I like the uniforms worn against Minnesota in 2015. Stay away for Old Gold. Let Purdue have that to themselves.
Agreed. Make them our permanent jerseys instead of the NASCAR Iowa font we use now.
While that would be nice, I think we'll only get to see those on rare, throwback occasions, as I think Iowa is locked into the new font, as it is universally being used by the athletic program. In my opinion, at least the modified block font used now is better than the italicized lettering being used just before.
My thoughts exactly. The blackout looks marvelous for night games. Hawks are usually victorious during the night blackouts, Michigan, Minnesota, Michigan. Ohio State doesn't start with an "M" but I think I would let them join that club.

Blackouts look horrible all the time, IMO. Either Gold out or stripes. No reason couldnt have a gold out ir striped crowd and all black jerseys, is there?
That is a really sweet looking alternate jersey. However, wouldn't that technically be illegal? I think the number has to be a different color than the jersey itself, even if it has a visible outline.

There was a team that lost a timeout or something just a week or so ago for that exact thing.

All technicalities aside I would really love to see a new alt come out this season.

Very good point. There are regulations to follow. Number size, prob font choice, where logos can be placed, etc..
Blackouts look horrible all the time, IMO. Either Gold out or stripes. No reason couldnt have a gold out ir striped crowd and all black jerseys, is there?
Don't know, I like the blackout but why not go w/ a more traditional alternate uniform and the blackout-
