Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good read

Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

the article said:
This weekend, Iowa played a program that has a new coach -- also from the offensive staff at New England -- with a former walk-on at quarterback running a completely new offensive system. Penn State has no discernible talent advantage over Iowa on offense; the average Rivals star rating of their eleven offensive starters was less than 0.1stars higher than Iowa's, and their quarterback earned a zero-star rating. They were no more experienced than Iowa; in fact, Penn State actually started one more underclassman than the Hawkeyes. Their task this season was more monumental than Iowa's, as they overhauled an entire system with a completely new offensive coaching staff on a lower scholarship limit while losing their best offensive player and a half-dozen other contributors just weeks before the season started. If you were to look at these two teams on paper, it was Penn State, not Iowa, who should be struggling to find their footing with a new offense after seven weeks.

The World Is Flat - Black Heart Gold Pants

Same talent rankings... less experience.... more distractions... and yet absolutely crush us at home.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

Wow. Devastating.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

But I'll be honest and say that even when kirk ferentz was the next big thing in coaching I can't say I ever liked his overly conservative philosophies or lack of innovation.

...and that's not saying I disagree with the idea of power running and play action passing - im fine with that. Its the game within the game that he refuses to play.

I agree with this and that's why part of me wishes kirk would have never panned out like Lick with basketball. Kirk and Lick coached teams are really fun to watch win and unbelievably horrible to watch lose. Fran coached teams are unbelievably awesome to watch win and only mildly entertaining to watch lose. And no I'm not going to go root for another team cause I love hawkeye sports to much for that. Just kinda unfortunate is all.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

good article - but doesn't really say anything that I didn't know in a nutshell and that's that whatever edge our HC had 10 years ago is gone now.

But I'll be honest and say that even when kirk ferentz was the next big thing in coaching I can't say I ever liked his overly conservative philosophies or lack of innovation.

...and that's not saying I disagree with the idea of power running and play action passing - im fine with that. Its the game within the game that he refuses to play.

BTC, you just nailed it!!

Since the great coaching job of 2004, it's been a slow, steady decline into stagnation. I've been using some similar phrases to describe the program and coach going all the way back to 2006, which, for me, was when I realized what the BHGP article is saying (I've still got several posts saved in my doc's file that, just checked, and was surprised at the date stamp on them!)

Since that time it's been a progression of frustration at the annual 1-2 losses that were the direct result of coaching dogma. In 2010, it turned to anger over the lack of preparedness (and willingness) to seize opportunities. It's now reached a stage of emotional disconnect, bordering on apathy, just to be able to accept that schematic and personnel strategy gaffes are absolutes that must be taken into account when forecasting expectations for the season. 2012 is putting a rotting cherry on top of this crap sundae by adding a new element -- deception and outright failure to produce what everyone, including the players and coaches, was excited about -- the tweaks, the updates, the playing personnel that maximized the scheme and updates to the scheme that maximized the players' skills.

The football program has officially deteriorated to mirror the regression of the basketball program. Under Alford, it was a few highlight seasons but so fundamentally flawed that it couldn't overcome the steady downward current. It crashed on the rocks under Lickliter (so similar is 2012 to Lick's tenure that the highlight was an eye-gouging win over Michigan State). The only cure turned out to be a complete overhaul to start in a new direction.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

Perhaps the most damning article I've ever read on Hawkeye Athletics. It is as bad as JD's rant against Lickliter on the air.

The OP should change the title of the thread so that this gets more views.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

We didnt sniff top 50 in scoring offense under KOK and wont under GD. The one common denominator is KF. Ive officially given up hope of ever avg'ing over 30 ppg while he is head coach.

Any other argument is comical.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

The college game is passing before KF eyes.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

The real elephant in the room is that ******* contract extension to infinity. There is where the comfort comes from and yes a 30 mil buyout doesn't hurt either.

Like it or not and something that very well could change with the results on the field but we have one of the top 20 revenue producing football programs in the country. KF is paid because of past results and the fact that the football program brings in a ton of cash. KF has a lot to do with that.

Again I think this might change if things continue down the path they are going but the whole KF salary argument is stupid. It is what it is and can't be changed.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

Like it or not and something that very well could change with the results on the field but we have one of the top 20 revenue producing football programs in the country. KF is paid because of past results and the fact that the football program brings in a ton of cash. KF has a lot to do with that.

Again I think this might change if things continue down the path they are going but the whole KF salary argument is stupid. It is what it is and can't be changed.

You're right that it's stupid to argue about it being changed or wishing it would be different.

However, I don't think it's stupid to argue whether or not it is so egregious that it doesn't allow the administration to make a change at some point in the next 7 years. I also don't think it's stupid to argue whether or not a contract of that length and of that amount and with a completely a$$inine amount for a buyout doesn't lead to complacency on the part of the man getting that contract. We see it in business all the time and in all other walks of life where when you take away incentive for performance, the performance goes down. Is KF so godlike and so far removed from that kind of attitude that it doesn't affect him in the slightest? If that's the case and he's in it simply for the competition and just wants to win, why doesn't he just go ahead and work for free? That's a completely stupid thing to do....I realize one gives up that kind of coin. But it's no more stupid than believing that he doesn't feel a great level of comfort and decisions aren't made knowing full well that the administration can't do a damn thing about it and if they do, they owe him $30 million.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

Why does everyone blame Davis? This problem starts with Ferentz and ends with Ferentz. He has the final say and if the Davis offense isn't working then he needs to tell him to change it and if he doesn't fire him.

I'm on board with you here, Spark, but there are only so many variables that can be changed at this point. We can't buy out Ferentz given Barta's genius idea to extend the contract through 2020. Davis, as I understand it, is hired on an interim basis.

Brian was supposed to be an up and comer. He's done well with the OL. Give him the reins for a couple of years while we spend down Ferentz's buyout. If it works out, great. If not, clean house. But we can't afford to can KF right now.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

I'm on board with you here, Spark, but there are only so many variables that can be changed at this point. We can't buy out Ferentz given Barta's genius idea to extend the contract through 2020. Davis, as I understand it, is hired on an interim basis.

Brian was supposed to be an up and comer. He's done well with the OL. Give him the reins for a couple of years while we spend down Ferentz's buyout. If it works out, great. If not, clean house. But we can't afford to can KF right now.

I think there is a less than 0% chance that BF becomes OC with his dad as HC. No way KF subjects him to that level of criticism while he's the head honcho.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

The W/L are not the entire story here, it's how we are losing. Even when we are winning it's ugly. Yes, we could easily be 6-1, but it's easier to see us as should be 2-5.

We have an unemotional football team who plays uninspired football. That starts at the top.

I'd be one thing for us to be losing, play well and just have the other team be better. But with the exception of Minnesota, that's not what is happening.

We might win another 3 games this year and that would give KF a pass for what has happened this season. We also might not win another game. But one thing is clear, this is not a good FB team. Not even close.

The way our defense is playing right now ought to be enough for KF to suggest that maybe his offensive thinking needs to be TOTALLY rethought.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

I am not one who believes that KF should be shown the door out. I also don't believe that is going to happen any time soon. My reason for that belief is different than many I have heard expressed on this and other boards. I am very confident that if the offensive philosophy (or the defensive philosophy, for that matter) is clearly identified as the major problem(s) with the program, the powers that be will instruct KF to begin to make some big time changes. Davis may or may not be the catalyst in that process. This would, in my view, be the very best thing for the program...not firing KF.

The other comment that I would make, and it is not original with me, but rather common knowledge around the Hawkeye Football program: This year's poor performance is largely a product of lack of material due to some poor recruiting years; next year and the year after are predicted by many to show significant improvement. Yes, I know...the recruitment of quality athletes is the responsibility of the head coach.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

As a long time KF supporter, I find this article to be sad and unfortunately true.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

I am not one who believes that KF should be shown the door out. I also don't believe that is going to happen any time soon. My reason for that belief is different than many I have heard expressed on this and other boards. I am very confident that if the offensive philosophy (or the defensive philosophy, for that matter) is clearly identified as the major problem(s) with the program, the powers that be will instruct KF to begin to make some big time changes. Davis may or may not be the catalyst in that process. This would, in my view, be the very best thing for the program...not firing KF.

The other comment that I would make, and it is not original with me, but rather common knowledge around the Hawkeye Football program: This year's poor performance is largely a product of lack of material due to some poor recruiting years; next year and the year after are predicted by many to show significant improvement. Yes, I know...the recruitment of quality athletes is the

responsibility of the head coach.

There is nobody that could force Kf into changing anything. He is holding all the cards. With his contract going to 2020 he more or less has a free pass to do whatever he wants for several more years.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

As a long time KF supporter, I find this article to be sad and unfortunately true.

+1000...Unfortunately with Schreff out for the year the offense is going to get worse because that stretch play to the left that would happen to work 1 out of 3 times when a linebacker would take a bad angle is now going to get destroyed by every team we play...even the teams with horrible defenses.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

I am not one who believes that KF should be shown the door out. I also don't believe that is going to happen any time soon. My reason for that belief is different than many I have heard expressed on this and other boards. I am very confident that if the offensive philosophy (or the defensive philosophy, for that matter) is clearly identified as the major problem(s) with the program, the powers that be will instruct KF to begin to make some big time changes. Davis may or may not be the catalyst in that process. This would, in my view, be the very best thing for the program...not firing KF.

The other comment that I would make, and it is not original with me, but rather common knowledge around the Hawkeye Football program: This year's poor performance is largely a product of lack of material due to some poor recruiting years; next year and the year after are predicted by many to show significant improvement. Yes, I know...the recruitment of quality athletes is the responsibility of the head coach.
I believe recruiting is the main problem. You can play whatever style you want if you have the right guys to do it. Why didn't the corporal make it more of a priority to go after qb's who can move after he saw what Banks did for his team? I guess you can say they all left or didn't pan out, but I still think the guy sells his own program short when it comes to recruiting.
Re: Iowa acts like they are the only program to ever install a new off..BHGP good rea

KF needs to broom GD before we get to the abyss like lows of the Todd Lickliter era in Iowa BBAll. If he doesn't broom him at year's end we are doomed to bad teams for the foreseeable future. Bill King paused on his comments related to GD when asked about best and worst hires. Not sure but this feels like the worst or at least one of.

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